
Thursday, March 18, 2010

My creative space

It's all about the circles at the moment.......  I'm spying them everywhere.

I'd decided earlier in the year that I really wanted to take some time to work on some textile art, so when the February Finki challenge was announced, I was completely inspired (just not inspired quite enough to get it all done in February)..

I took along my new pen roll to the market on Saturday, and spent the quiet times doodling circles, and cutting out vinyl circles.

The textile piece is going to have a chocolate brown linen blend fabric as the background, with lots of circle embellishments. I picked up this very beautiful hand dyed wool felt from Trudi a few weeks ago. Trudi has a brand new blog - Me & Ewe, and Etsy shop . The colours are truly amazing (I'm also loving the bright purple, bright leaf green, and jade green. I can't wait to cut out lots of different sized pink and orange circles and lay them out all together....

With any luck, I may even make some progress before next weeks My Creative Space rolls around!

The home of My Creative Space.


  1. I’ve had Trudi’s lovely felt on my mind since I came across it in My Creative Space last week. I can’t wait to see what you make of it.

  2. sounds awesome, can't wait to see it finished. Circles are made of win!!

  3. I'm a bit partial to circles, myself! Love the colours of the felt (very Curly Pops!).

  4. Sounds great, love the colours I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  5. i haven't done my february circles yet either ... i'm still working on my mum's gift. i'm all intrigued to see your project next week. cheers

  6. Sound good, I can't wait to see just what you are creating.

  7. Nothing like a challenge to get you inspired! Love the colours you have in that felt :)

  8. Oooh, I can't wait to see what you come up with Cam (and I am glad I am not the only one still thinking about Finki's February circle challenge ... even if its now March and this month is also slipping away!!)

  9. ahhhaaa, that's what you were busily sketching on Saturday!!
    definitely very you.

  10. Now you'll have us looking at circles too ! Love that felt beautiful colours !

  11. The felt is gorgeous. Look forward to seeing what your circles turn into.

  12. Can't wait to see the finished product.
    Thanks for that link - I'm in need of some nice wool felt. x

  13. Sounds and looks like it is going to be awesome..Can't wait!!

  14. Those bright colours are wonderful. I can't wait to see what you'll be creating!

  15. I love your sketches Cam...yours are so pretty & colourful & the ones I was working off scrawled in Bic pen.

  16. Circles are always fabulous & complete, they make me happy!! I forgot to do the Finki challenge too, distracted by school. Love Posie

  17. Visiting all the kootoyoo creative spaces and I love those patterns in your sketchbook. Have fun creating and it's amazing how a simple shape can turn into a wonderful creation :)

  18. Looks like it will be amazing. Beautiful colors, circles and nice thick felt. Can't wait to see!!

  19. What gorgeous wool felt! Great colours, to layer together, its going to look great!

  20. That felt looks luscious! An the colors...all about springtime!

  21. I am totally intrigued by your sketches - I look forward to seeing the result... x

  22. Great colours and sketches. Just looking at those gets my creative thoughts racing.

  23. My husband and I were just talking about circles wallpaper on one of our wall and now I saw your post on playing with circles too! Circles can be an interesting shape imo! I particularly like the circles in the cloud one... Irene X


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