
Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Predictions.... they can come true.

Nikki Cardigan predicted that Moo Moo would want one too. I got a phone call at 8PM Monday night.... and a little voice on the other end said "Hello Cam, can you please make me a car roll up too?".

How could I say no?

So this mornings job is to search the stash for some cute boy friendly fabrics.

In other boy news, I received a very nice email from Spotlight Customer Service on Monday. Although my local store currently has nothing in stock for boys, I'm assured that they do have three new ranges which are being released in early April. There's one named Bot Camp (think robots) which looks pretty cute. I appreciated their very quick response.

Sometimes my budget just can't stretch to expensive designer fabrics, and I need something cheap and cheerful to fall back on (especially when it comes to birthday pressies for three year olds)!


  1. It would be lovely to have a full supply of designer fabrics ! Great Spotlight replied so quickly , I shop there any chance I can .

  2. Look out, you could be inundated with orders from little guys all over!

  3. Great to hear about the boy fabric, and robots too, cool. Thanks for letting us know.

  4. Bot Camp as in Michael Miller? Nice to know that you got such a quick response. Cam, have you joined the Spotlight fan club on Facebook? They respond on there.

  5. Good old Spotlight eh!, You must have kniown you wouldn;t get away with only making one car roll up.

  6. Bot camp sounds fun. I agree, you could be called on to produce a full run of these. Just wondering if some of your vintage sheet finds would lend themselves to this project...maybe something to hunt for! Lisa x

  7. Cam he is loving his wacing car twack!
    Moo Moo x

  8. Damn that sister and her computer! He can't log on on his own, can he? (What a lucky boy!)

  9. It's a bit cute that Moo called himself! And why would you want to say no when you are so appreciated. Lucky Moo, lucky you.

    Great that Spotlight is listening.


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