
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Watcha Wearin' Wednesday

Jeez, this one's a bit serious!

Errrr that should actually be Tuesday!

For those who asked for a photo, here are a couple I snapped when I arrived home from work lastnight. It was after 6PM so the light was already fading away.....

I tried again without the sunnies this time... Frances was trying to nudge her way back into the shot. She doesn't like being shoved in the corner.

Cathie was completely correct - I also wore my new shiny red shoes!

I'll be wearing this again at the Daylesford Makers Market on Saturday.


  1. Ohh looks great - well done for giving it a second lease on life!

  2. Lookin good sister! Like the mood lighting xo

  3. red rocks and so do you!

    I've awarded you a circle of friends award. I'd love for you to accept it. Pop on over to check it out.
    xox Katie

  4. The first picture is very Blues Brothers! Love the "new" dress, a great improvement. Hope you have a successful market at Daylesford.

  5. You look great! I bet that's going to get a whole lot more wear now, how could it not!

  6. How dark is it by that time of day? It was only a few weeks ago that I was starting my running after 7pm. Now it's too dark to be out on the roads at that time.
    Tee hee. Sunnies at 6pm. ; )
    And yes, I can have new lenses made for my specs, but it's expensive for a pair of shades that will be a bit of dress up fun. I have heard it can be done overseas in places like Bali for very little, so might wait until someone's heading overseas and send them with my specs and prescription.

  7. Hope you have a great weekend in Daylesford. Certainly looks better with a smile. Lou.

  8. This looks great! I love how you offer a personal viewing opportunity on the weekend. Hehehe.

  9. this looks great ... and i like the trousers with it. you could even wear it during winter like that with a spencer under it (don't you love that word!).

  10. *snork*..colored denim? My hipster/trendy dd just BEGGED me to buy her a pair of bright purple skinny jeans today. Seriously. I was staring at them all cockeyed, but they came home with us. Oy.

  11. Cam, you have inspired me- I have a line full of bright green things! 3 linen tea towels, two shirts, a singlet and a t shirt! It was so easy- I banged it all in my front loader- dye and salt, put it on a 95 degree cycle, crossed my fingers, closed my eyes and switched my machine on- no dramas! and now I have got (sort of) 4 new tops!

  12. I LOVE this outfit. I want to come over to your house and steal it. It's lucky I live in another state...


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