
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Whats a Name - part 2

Look what I found in the letterbox when I got home lastnight! My swippity-swappity name tag.

I'd spied this over at Snailblazer last week, and of course I loved the fact that it was made using a crocheted doily. I even got an extra little pressie too.

Thanks so much Cass - I can't wait to wear it at Sew It Together.


  1. Lucky girl! It looks fantastic, I love the speccy paperclip, it'd make a great bookmark!

  2. Thats cool! I was thinking doily ideas for about a day but I couldn't work out how to use one for such a small project - glad someone is clever enough to do it. Lucky you!

  3. Sweet! Hopefully tomorrow I'll get mine finished and posted...x

  4. So glad you liked it Cam. Can't wait to get to Sew It Together and meet in person

  5. Hi Just popped over for a visit from maytheclothbewithyou. Congratulations on your circle of friends award.

  6. yours is the first reveal I've seen so far ... lucky you. I can't wait to see mine ... and send mine too.


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