
Friday, April 9, 2010


While trawling through cyberspace a couple of weeks ago, I came across a conversation about junk food. There was mention of various types of chips and twisties and things like that...... and also something else that caught my interest - Rashuns.

I immediately assumed that they had something to do with one of my favourite foods (bacon), and I was correct!

They're made across the ditch in NZ, so Kristy from Paisely Jade offered to send me a pack. How nice is that?

It's hard to tell from my pic, but it's a giant pack! I'm looking forward to some cheese and bacon munching on the couch tomorrow while I catch up on some IQ'd shows from this week..... trashy tv and junk food - what bliss


  1. more locally, would cheetos 'cheese and bacon balls' cut it??
    Enjoy the 'rashuns'- one odd thing I love to do when I am overseas (which I haven't been for years and years) is go down the supermarket junk food aisle!

  2. You will not be disappointed! They are my ultimate favourite and whenever I am back in NZ it is a must buy! Enjoy :)

  3. you are so very funny!
    whilst also trawling through cyberspace I think i read about bacon cookies or muffins, if i could stomach it I would definitely try making them fo you just to see your face light up, maybe i'll just search out the recipe for you..hehehe

  4. Burger Rings are another good one!
    (can you get them there?)

  5. Mmmmm. Did someone say BACON?!?!?

  6. oooh even if they aren't super tasty i think they are probably still a winner just for the cute packaging!
    I'm very excited to have the real housewives of atlanta back on for my trashy tv fix! ;o)

  7. Brilliant post title! Now try not to enjoy yourself too much on the weekend....Ok?

  8. a little perfection to look forward to ... enjoy.

  9. haha - glad they arrived. Wasn't sure whether to buy you a big bag or little so thought I'd go the whole hog (no pun intended). Enjoy!!

  10. Just don't team them with blue cordial, OK? If you do, keep the emergency number close at hand...

  11. oh yum! love chips. in the UK they have these things that look like chicken twisties but they are scampi and lemon flavoured... not fishy but more lemony. im looking forward to making a pig of myself next year on chips when I go there

  12. But are they as good as Grainwaves ???

  13. They are going to be soooooo good (you can tell). Just don't read the ingredients list!

  14. After seeing your blog earlier today i thought of you when i saw these -
    taking the bacon flavour too far, perhaps?

  15. Hey Pops, thanks for the headsup re the nametag! You super sleuth you xo are there any chips left...?

  16. Nice way to spend the evening... IQ and Chippies....
    P.S. Mr S said he wants Foxtel and when I explained what Rashuns were he got very excited too.. So nice of Paisley Jade to post you a sample...

  17. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .... bacon! They sound good.

    (Remind me to tell you about the "Bacon Salt" that I found at DJs, next time I see you!)

  18. Im an expat Nzer living in brisbane, and these are available at a few places near where I live.
    These are my dad's, mine and my aussie hubby's fav NZ snack food. Hubby also likes NZ grain waves, as there are more flavours and he, being a bacon lover, LOVES sour cream and bacon flavour.


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