
Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Prodigal Dog Returns

Meet Houdini Dog (not his real name, but should be). Houdini dog has also previously been known as Foster Dog.

Houdini Dog was conceived completely by accident when my little sisters dog (the mummy) and my bigger sisters dog (the daddy), met up in my mums backyard some time in about 1997.

The entire time that the mummy dog was pregnant, none of us had an idea who the daddy dog was. It just so happened that mummy dog went into labour, and we were able to watch the little puppies being born, and as soon as they arrived, we knew exactly who the daddy dog was!

Unfortunately Houdini Dog was born with two bad genes. The Jumpy Gene (from his mum) and the PO* Gene (from his dad).

At least once a week, he would jump over the back fence, and run away to my mums house (about a kilometre away). He was even caught by the ranger once, and I had to pay a fine for Dog At Large (what the?), and then pay to break him out of the slammer (dog pound).

In the end, we were so sick of him running away, that we decided he should just live at mums house. He's lived there quite happily for about 5 years, but now that she's moving, the prodigal / foster / houdini dog, has returned to live at my place......

Even though he and the cat grew up together as puppy and kitten, now the cat is not happy! I'm hoping that they can resolve their differences and live happily ever after....

* Piss Off


  1. Oh, we had one of those dogs once! His name most definitely should have been Houdini! We even resorted to getting an electric fence to keep him in! And that still didn't work!! The last time he jumped our 8 foot fence (at the highest point of the fence mind you), we knew we could never keep him in again. But that was the last time, as we never found him after that, my daughter thinks he took up with the local wild dog gang and is still running around out there somewhere......

    Good luck with your Houdini dog, he looks a little grey around the edges there, hopefully he's a little too old to be taking off now?!

  2. Possibly your funniest post yet! Or recently, anyway. I thought I saw some old posts with a dog in it...he's grey and grizzly now, less likely to jump. Or put a leg tether on him, with a long enough rope that he can't make it over the fence!

  3. this made me giggle.
    Good Luck with Houdini!

  4. LOL - here's hoping Houdini dog settles down and the cat can make peace with his new roomie.

  5. O dear. I guess we will just have to tune in for the continuing saga. Hope it doesn't take years for the next installment. roflol Cherrie

  6. Heheh love this post. Yay to having doggy again :P

  7. We had a Houdini dog once too they keep you alert , have fun with this one !

  8. So it's not just humans who suffer the PO gene... lmao

    xo Steph

  9. Tie him to something so he can't jump out? using a harness is better, less chance of hanging if he does manage to jump out.
    him and the cat will resolve their differences, even if that just means always ignoring each other, which is better then them coming to blows and drawing blood.

  10. Dog At Large? That's hilarious! May I suggest an ankle bracelet and some kind of home detention scheme?

    Have fun with him!

  11. hehe! he's very cute! (and looks a bit cheeky too!)

  12. thanks for this hilarious post! i needed some belly laughs and pictures of a wayward doggy were the icing on the hilarity cake =-)

    i do hope your cat and dog team manage to learn to live together peaceably!

  13. Fabulous post Cam. I look forward to meeting prodigal dog at some stage. If he's home when I pop in!

  14. lol :D He looks like our old dog, Duke. Although he was the opposite to yours and was very obedient and never ran away!

  15. Cripes, CP, life with kids is busy enough, but a Houdini Dog and a Puss Cat. Next thing there'll be bickering and eye rolling.

  16. I love your blog even more now that there are dog posts!! I know that you prefer crafting tales, but maybe you can combine the two?? Dog coats, dog blankets, dog bandanas etc. etc.

    Jen in Melbourne (and a woof from Jasper)

  17. Hee hee, that's all too funny! What a little character : )


  18. Missing your voice and smiles out here. Hope you are OK. Hugs Cherrie

  19. oh you made me crack up. Well I guess he is officailly my Grandson! Talking about his dearly departed daddy dog still brings a tear to my eye despite the PO gene mutation!
    Big sister aka... granny

  20. What a little character! Hope your fences are higher now!

  21. Are u ok Cam? I've never seen you go 3 days without posting! Hope u're well!

  22. Dear Anonymous(aka Granny)...

    Prodigal dogs mummy went to visit him today! He got lots of cuddles and now he has a grey beard he does look even more like his daddy(RIP)... But whilst sitting on my lap he began to lick my hand just like his mummy does..
    His mummy went for a nig drive today to melb to visit he son, to Beeac to visit mums dog and now she is home and asleep.... She is a good ute dog as long as she is in the cabin! I saw first hand the MExican stand off between prodigal dog and old nasty cat! hilarious! Our dogs made some cute bambinos thats for sure!


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