
Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Creative Space - MIA

New pouches sent to Handmade Heaven

My Creative Space is officially MIA today I'm afraid....

The only crafting that has been happening in the last week is of the Super Secret Non-Bloggable pattern testing variety. But, I do have a 'to sew' list for the weekend, which includes two birthday presents. April and May are always crazy for birthdays. I can think of nine family members / friends right off the top my head that have birthdays in these two months.

One thing that I did actually manage this week was to send some new stock to Handmade Heaven, so if you're in the area, make sure to pop in for a look!

The home of My Creative Space....


  1. Popping in on Saturday after Mathilda's so will hunt you out! Love your crocheted hair clips. Gorgeous!

  2. I spy some pretty pretty fabrics and some pretty pretty hair clips!

  3. Do you think I'll be sent to blog Coventry for causing so much non-bloggable crafting?

  4. I am so very curious... looking forward to seeing what it is that you're testing. Clearly Nikki is involved!

  5. LOVE those! Handmade Heaven is one lucky shop!

  6. The fabric you have used in your pouches is stunning, I am sure they will be snapped up in no time!

  7. My Mum snapped up that red sunnies pouch when we were in there today. It's a birthday pressie for my Aunt, she is just going to love it!

  8. I see a purple and red brooch ...


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