
Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Warning: Blurry mobile phone photos ahead - please proceed with caution

I didn't mean to disappear from the land of blog, but sometimes real life takes over, and the poor blog gets neglected....

Sorry if I worried anyone with my sudden MIA status, and thanks to all those who checked up on me! I didn't realise that I'd been missing for so long.

I've been helping my mum move house (by towing trailerloads of things to the new country abode),  sorting out a little kitchen reno issue (where I may have ordered the wrong size benchtop) and adjusting to the new routine of having an extra critter in the house.

Houdini dog hasn't managed to escape yet (I had the fences re-inforced before he arrived), but he has managed to wake me up at ungodly hours of the morning by howling like a dingo. I think he's missing his former fluffy companion (my mums dog).  The mexican stand off between Houdini and the cat is also a continuing saga..... there's a lot of hissy cat fits going on around here.

After moving the last load today, mum and I popped into the local cafe/coffee shop/ bric-a-shop in Beeac where I took some happy snaps on my mobile phone.

If you're ever heading through Beeac, it's definitely worth a stop. I indulged with a choc muffin and a hot chocolate.... but I checked out the menu while I was there, and the Sunday morning big breakfast for $7.50 sounds like a plan on my next visit..... yum!


  1. And there I was imagining tropical islands, pina coladas and Hawaiian shirts. Still, you're very good at that daughter thing.

  2. I spoke to mum earlier and she told me about your pit stop on the way home... I was wondering why it took you so long to get back? Mum said they have wedges on the menu so Mr S and I will be heading back next week for lunch on our next visit! I also had an idea about a lifesize cut out of myself for mum for mothers day?? ANy thoughts? Lol..

  3. You poor doll! Sneak off for a bit of quality mother/daughter time and you have every man and their dog on your case! Good luck with the dog training. Lisa x

  4. I was thinking it had been a few days between posts for you, and wondering where you'd got to. Glad to hear that it's just life being busy.

    The Sunday breakfast sounds like a definite plan.

  5. Blury and all i want to eat that

  6. Sounds like you've had a nice time with your Mummy. Hope she enjoys her new surrounds, love Posie

  7. Ah there you are!

    At least you've been keeping up your strength with a chocolate muffin (I am glad you can't see that I licked the screen).

    And tell your sister, that the cardboard cut-out wouldn't be quite as good as laser printed fabric sewn into a softie.

  8. That looks like a great tea room - with bric a brac too!

  9. Many years ago a friend who lives down that way, said of Beeac "It rains for nine months of the year and the other three months it drips off the tree."
    I see she lied!!

  10. you are a grat daughter. good on you. and welcome back.


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