
Friday, April 30, 2010

What a day!

Wowee! What a lovely birthday I had yesterday.

Thanks so much to everyone who left me a birthday message via text message, on my blog, on my facebook page and on their blogs! You certainly all know how to make a girl feel special on her birthday.

I had a most delicious lunch at the Boathouse with my sister and one of my girlfriends.

Not only was the food delicious, but the atmosphere was completely relaxing. I could have quite happily stayed there all day drinking cappucinos!

There were so many delicious things to choose from on the menu ....... I'm dreaming about what I'm going to eat on my next visit already.


  1. Yuuuum!! Glad your day was great!!

  2. Mmmm, that does look good, glad you had a great day!

  3. Happy Birthday for yesterday Cam!What a great day to spend your birthday!XX

  4. Everything looks perfect. Can see why you would want to linger! Back down to Earth today?

  5. Happy belated birthday! Looks like a spiffy place to have a celebration. The pizza looks yummy and healthy.

    I do hope you have more wonderful and fun birthdays in your future.

  6. Dear Cam, Happy belated Birthday. Looks like it was really super yummy. It's making me hungry. Here's to a beautiful and exciting year ahead full of awesome surprises. xxx

  7. Wow, yum bunnies! That looks delicious. Happy Birthday to you. Here's to many many more!

  8. Oh happy day! Yummy lookin food!

  9. Happy Birthday...That food looks absolutely yummy!

  10. Oh Cam...
    How did I let that birthday slip by without me realizing...
    I am wishing you the very best "late" birthday wish I can think of...
    Maybe a jumbo packet of tim tam's...
    A really good dvd...
    I am loving Julie and Julia at the moment...
    and maybe a accidental meeting in a coffee shop with Colin Firth when he visits here next...
    I do hope your day was just peachy perfect my dear friend...

  11. What a fabulous place to go for your birthday. (I don't suppose Gary bought your food to the table??) Glad you had such a lovely day!

  12. Happy birthday for Thurs! You've got me feeling all nostalgic, I had breakfast at the Boathouse with a girlfriend as part of the farewell rounds when we left Melbourne 3 years ago. We used to run (ok, walk mostly) around that track on the river outside. Sigh. Your lunch looks delish! Hope you enjoyed it.

  13. Happy Birthday, Lovely One! Quite stupidly, I skimmed your birthday edition post and thought you were celebrating the setting up of your craft space (which I thought was a kooky/crafty sort of thing to celebrate). Can you tell I was up all night sewing and slightly dopey as a result! Lisa x


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