
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Still Going

My birthday (or the Festival of Cam as we named it today), is still going strong...

When I arrived at work yesterday, Nikki and her wee girl had baked me a very delicious chocolate birthday cake with yummy sprinkles on top! I also received a beautiful pressie, some chocolates and a very special handmade card (photo to come tomorrow).

Then on top of that, the other Nikki arrived with a block of yummy Cadbury (now fairtrade) chocolate for me too!

Anyone would think that I might like a bit of chocolate every now and then.....

Tune in tomorrow for the next exciting episode of the Festival of Cam (with tongue firmly planted in cheek)!


  1. haha - I love 'festival of Cam'!

  2. You made the wee girl's day by posting this!

    Long may the "festival of Cam" continue.... or at least, long may the chocolate continue!

  3. That is an amazing looking chocolate cake. Save me a slice, if you can. ;)

  4. YAY for hand delivered chocolate heart cakes!! They are good hmmm... How special is Nikki (sew girl) to make you a cake??!!! HOW SPECIAL ARE YOU FEELING... hehe.

    So happy to hear Nikki (mbc) got to catch up with you!!

    xo Steph

  5. happy Happy birthday-keep on enjoying and celebrating

  6. Well happy festival of cam to you...
    Have fun and enjoy that cake sweet lady..xx

  7. aw that is so cool.

    I think birthdays should be birthday weeks... Especially us females - we need to be celebrated more often!

  8. Keep dancing into the wee hours, the chocolate will help keep you going. Yummy! Happy B-day.

  9. You can't go wrong with chocolate ... or birthdays that turn into festivals!!

  10. A slightly belated Happy Festival-of-Cam.
    Andi x

  11. Happy birthday!! May birthdays are the best!!

  12. Well, Happy Belated Festival of Cam!! :D

    (Cadbury has gone fairtrade? Awesome!)


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