
Monday, May 10, 2010


We don't really celebrate Mothers Day with presents in my family. In fact, when I called mum yesterday, I asked her when we were going to celebrate Daughters Day.

I know that she needs a new handbag, so I spent a couple of hours of my lazy day yesterday whipping this one up.

Mum likes quite plain handbags..... but I don't really do plain!

Hopefully this one fit the bill.


  1. Lovely. The feature panel is stunning.

  2. That looks like it would suit her - she can decide which way to wear it. Gorgeous!

  3. Out of all the bags I have seen here... THIS is by far my most favourite yet!!! LOL @ daughter day!

    xo Steph

  4. Gorgeous.
    She can always wear it backwards but she'd be CRAZY!!

  5. Great bag Cam. My brother is always asking my girls when it's Uncles Day.

  6. nice bag! I gave my mum a quilt... going to post pics now :) i think daughters day sounds good!

  7. Reversable bags are great. I'm sure your Mum will like it. I've been asked to do an all black nappy bag and I must say it goes against the grain too. Spent all day with my feet up again so nothing got done around here. Cherrie

  8. I'm sure she will love it ... it's gorgeous.

  9. An excellent compromise, though I can't help but think she was a little on the nervous side after the Supa Sel Experience...

  10. Love that bag! My lazy days are, well, lazy. Feet up and movie watching kind of lazy.

  11. Happy Daughter's Day!!! lol
    The bag looks fabu-licious! Your Mum will love it!

  12. The bag is awesome. :p My own bag is literally falling to shreds, so I have been trolling blogs for ideas for new ones, and I just added that to the list. :D


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