
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Room to Breathe

I'm in the midst of a health hiccup at the moment, and feeling a little blue.

A chauffeur driven trip to the country, filled with green grass and fresh air and giggly nephews was just the medicine I needed yesterday.....

.....along with lots of billycart rides


  1. Sounds like great medicine, Cam - I hope your "hiccups" pass really soon. Nic x

  2. Oh sweetheart, take care of yourself. Thinking of you, Selina xx

  3. Hope the country air helped chase those blues away. xx

  4. So sorry to hear about the hiccup, though I am sure in your case it is more than a small problem like mine. We're all cheering for you. It is also wonderful that you have such a loving family. Cherrie

  5. What a wonderful place to visit. I hope you got rid of those blues too.

  6. Oh Cam, I really hope you're feeling much better today. And I also really hopethose giggling nephews let you have turn on their billy cart.

  7. Hope your'e feeling better, there's nothing like family and fresh air to make you smile.


  8. Damn health hiccups. Hope you're feeling much spiffier soon sweet lady. Have no doubt that the health hiccup didn't get in the way of any Aunt/nephew mischief though...

  9. Sorry to hear that Cam, thinking of you. The laughter of kiddies can be exactly what you need!

  10. Hope the breath of fresh air has made you feel much better.

  11. Look at all those boys! That's a whole gaggle of giggles there.

    Thinking of you lovely Cam - hope you're feeling a bit better today.

    Liesl x

  12. I hope your blue turns into yellow soon. Take care.

  13. Mmm I can alsmost smell the fresh air, hope you are feeling better soon!

  14. I put an extra special button at the top of my sidebar just for you :). Maybe it was watching me run around affter double trouble that wore you out haha. Thinking of you lots, though.....

  15. Hey Beautiful Pops, lovely photo's! Hope you are feeling tip top asap, thinking of you xo

  16. Thinking of you Cam. Hope the day out was lovely, but more importantly hope that you are not 'blue' very soon. xxx

  17. Wishing you get better really soon Cam!Nothing better that fresh country air and LOVE!XX

  18. Lots of love to you Cam. Get better soon. x

  19. miss Cam, Hope that hiccup passes by real quick. Crafty life has been full on lately, so make sure you do keep taking time away from computer and sewing machine for lots of fresh air and giggles. The perfect medicine.
    Jay xx

  20. Take it easy, Cam - rest and recoup for as long as it takes. Fresh air, green grass and giggling nephews galore... sounds good.

  21. Cam hope you are feeling better soon. Hopefully that country air helped

  22. Hope you are back on your feet soon. Country air and nephews are sure to do the trick.

  23. I hope the blue has past and you are now able to take in all of that fresh country air. Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. xxx K

  24. oh Cam - that does not sound to good. Hope it is not serious...

  25. Awww sweetie! I hope you'll be feeling pinker soon! You should get your own little parliment soon so they'll cheer you up!
    Hugs and Laughs and Sunshine!

  26. Cam...sending my very dearest wishes your way...
    I do think the air is fresher in the country...
    Or is that just because it's colder...

    P.s...I'm all for Daughters Day!!!

  27. Hope you are feeling brighter soon - there is nothing like some fresh air and the joy of children to lift the spirits.

  28. So hope that country air rejuvenated you! Take care lovely lady :)

  29. Good medicine Cam. Thinking of you.

  30. Please feel better soon, Blogland simply isnt the same without your every day creations ! X

  31. Cam I hope you are on the mend very soon, are you still in the country? I hope you are and are being spoilt

  32. Thinking of you. I hope that all is on the improve real soon.

    Jen in Melbourne xx

  33. Oh, sorry to hear you're blue Cam- hope you're back to your normal chirpy self soon! xx

  34. I hope you get over your hiccup soon! Sorry to hear you aren't as well as you could be. The country looks lovely!

  35. Take care, Cam. Hope the country air did you the world of good!

  36. Cam, I only just saw this, hope things have settled abit now and you're not too blue xxx

  37. I only just saw your post, hope you are feeling better today.

  38. I hope things are sorted out properly soon, but that there's at least some improvement before too long. xx


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