
Friday, May 7, 2010

Hands Free

I've been meaning to make myself a backpack bag for the looooooongest time. When I'm out shopping, it's really quite difficult to drag my little trolley with one hand, sling my handbag over my shoulder, and then shop with my other hand.

I also wanted it to be large enough to fit my mini laptop inside its mini laptop sleeve bag.

On Wednesday night I measured up my laptop, drew a quick sketch, and started whipping it up, and only realised after I'd completed the outer bag section, that I'd completely forgotten to sew in the straps.... aaaaggghhh!
That's what I get for sewing by the seat of my pants!

After a little bit of unpicking, I sewed in some nice long comfy adjustable straps. I'm wishing now that I'd used some interfacing on the denim so that it wasn't quite as unstructured as it is, but oh well....too late now.

I had to avoid magnetic closures, so I used Velcro on the inner bag, and a D-ring and a Swivel Hook on the outer.

It'll be heading out for it's first test run today!


  1. Fabulous! It’s as “Curly Pops’ as my wonderful camera bag is “Chasing Purple Dreams”.

  2. Love it! you've done really well for creating it just as a spur of the moment thing, no pattern, just action!

  3. good on you, your backpack gorgeous, i love it! Have a great weekend.


  4. I love the backpack! It looks great, and I reckon it will hold all of life's essentials.

    Have fun at the show today! I'm so sad I won't get to go there this year :(

  5. That looks fabulous! I love the closure, good idea. I've struggled with funny closing devices, but yours looks great and I'm sure will be totally functional.

  6. LOVE this! clever the way you can just whip something up like that...the floral looks great on the denim too.

  7. It's wonderful Cam! You are soo clever xo

  8. That's one fantastic backpack! Great flying by the seat of your pants style!!

  9. Super cute. Love the closure.

  10. It's perfect Cam, I love it!

  11. I think theres alot to be said for a bit of flying by the seat of your pants sewing action. This looks acey pacey.

  12. Swivel hook! Great idea! I've a problem bag that needs this solution. :-)

    I love it. It's beautiful.

  13. Well done Ms Pops!! So clever!!

  14. I sure do wish I could sew "by the seat of my pants" as good as you do Cam, it's brilliant!

  15. That's fantastic, Cam. Wish I could whip something up like that without a pattern ... but it just doesn't work and I've realised I am much better off relying on someone else to do the design / instructions!!

  16. ooh! that looks great :D and so much easier to go shopping with. I probably would have made a huge version and then just ended up having to put it in a trolly by the end of the day anyway with it being so heavy full of stuff lol

  17. Cam that looks awesome well done

  18. Amazing work by the seat of your pants!


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