
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hearty Arty

I spied this most beautiful painting over at Little Black Crow Studio a couple of weeks ago....

I fell in love immediately, and it was completely stuck in my brain.

I enquired with Grace to find out whether it was for sale, and to my absolute delight, it was!

Now.... where shall I hang it ???


  1. Oh it is breathtakingly beautiufl. I can see why you would need to own it. See you on Friday I hope, sticking out like a beautiful thumb.

  2. I can see why you fell in love, I'm sure you will find just the right spot for it. Somewhere you can see it every day and smile xo

  3. Oh, it was you who bought it. That little piece of gorgeousness makes me feel very happy.Glad it found a deserving home.

  4. Oooooh What a fabulous acquisition! Very nice.

  5. It's gorgeous. Grace's work is just amazing.

  6. I LOVE it!!!!! soooooo much

  7. irresistible work of art! Now im off to see the shop!

  8. I love that it is 3D hehe... Great purchase in every way!!

    xo Steph

  9. You lucky girl......I saw that on her blog and thought 'that girl is just so talented'. It can go with your bunny you have of hers.

  10. Stunning Cam - can't wait to see it hung. In the 'studio' somewhere?

  11. Oh it's beautiful Cam, I see why you had to have it. It alwmost looks needlefelted at first, a real textured look to it, that I love xo

  12. Very nice indeedy do! Looked out for you at Stitches today but no see. Didn't know what days you were going to be in there.

  13. That is so cute. I love having art in our house that makes you smile everytime you look at it :-)

  14. blimey, I felt a little awkward reading everyone's comments...thank you.
    And another thank you to you CurlyPops!! You took some nice photo's of the painting!
    I wonder where it will hang!!

  15. Oh! So sweet and so cute! love all the texture in it.


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