
Friday, May 21, 2010

Lights Camera Action

Another custom camera bag all finished!

This one is heading off to live with Cath in the wonderful land of Chunky Chooky.

Cath provided the lovely wood grain fabric for the flap and the inner bag - it's the same one that she uses on her very groovy log rattles.

I really do love challenging myself to make something to fit the brief.

There's a zippy pocket on the back....

....and adjustable padded inserts inside.

I've fallen back in love with with the denim / chocolate brown combo... which is a good thing considering the amount of brown fabric that I have in my stash.

Now I think I really should make one for myself. It might even encourage me to take my camera with me more often and that can only be a good thing for sure!


  1. What a great bag! I'll have to show it to Alan.

    Warm wishes
    Isabelle x

  2. Love it Cam!
    Gorgeous fabrics, the denim and wood grain look brilliant together!

  3. Fantastic, Cam. You'll have my job soon! :)

  4. Amazing work Cam - so detailed and beautifully designed.

  5. *singing* Oooooh, how I love it so...

  6. I love it. The colours are great together and it looks so stylish.

  7. Brilliant! I love the chocolate & denim too...

  8. Definitely a firm bottom and sides. Looks very professional and sweet too!

  9. This is fabulous!! Very stylish and professional!

  10. Love it!
    What do you charge for such an item?
    My niece is a photographer and has a birthday in July.

  11. Oh Cam! It's brilliant!! Absolutely amazing. YOU'RE AMAZING!! By the way, Hugo would like to thank you for being so damn clever with his car racing twack. he loves it, and the cars Scott got him, and he's already shown his father that he can fit LOTS more cars in the twack pockets than are pockets. Perfect for his big trip up north to see his grandparents later next month!

    (Thank you from me too).

  12. Cam! This is absolutely fantastic!

  13. Wowser! That is super flash Cam.
    I'm so impressed. I'd never have the patience for such neat work.

  14. Cam!!! amazing, you are sooo very clever

  15. It looks fantastic! Love the fabric! Want one for my very own..

  16. Love it!! I'm a photographer with a huge kit ... maybe I should try my hand at a bag for my gear. You've started me thinking!

  17. Nice work Cam. It looks amazing. If only I had a camera decent enough to deserve such a fab bag. One day...

  18. Another great camera bag Cam. Shame I don't have a big camera, I'm more of a pocket camera girl

  19. Fantastically neat! I love the wood grain fabric - very nice.

  20. It looks great Cam. Super job.

  21. wow Cam it is incredible!!! sooooo neat, you are amazing xx

  22. That is Excellent Cam!These bags look like they are a lot of work...I agree brown and denim is quite nice :)
    Enjoy your weekend and I hope you make yourself one too :)x

  23. Wow, there's a heck of a lot of work here, it looks amazing. Good on you.

  24. Oh my, oh my - bee yoo ti ful! xx

  25. you are one clever and talented lady!! thats a really seriously smart bag. well done :)


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