
Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Curse of the Black Thumb

I've lamented before about my curse...

Some days I'd be quite happy to just order a truck full of concrete...

But this week my little brother came to the rescue instead....

.. and peace and tranquility has been restored to the neighbourhood.


  1. What's your brother up to this weekend?
    That's a very nice neat garden you have there.

  2. Hmmmm send him my way - LOL

  3. Just looked back at your linked posts and got a great laugh thank you - I am similarly gifted. Who wants to be out there pulling weeds when there is so much to do in the sewing room! Actually I can admit to going out with a kettle full of boiling vinegar once. It worked but still... better things to do thanks! Thank goodness for little brothers. : )

  4. Oooh he did a lovely job. So I'm in the queue too ... send him straight over when he's free!!!

  5. Oh it it looks so sweet and def an improvement!! Your brother obviously isn't cursed!!

    xo Steph

  6. Love it. I think he needs to visit my place too :D

  7. Instant improvement! At least from my computer screen. Now you just need to book him in for a regular cleanup once a month and you'll be set!

  8. Oh to have a little brother! (Or a husband who was in any way gifted / interested in what is happening in the garden!)

  9. It looks great, Cam! Isn't it amazing how effective such a simple change can be? Especially when someone else does the hard work ;-) I need someone like that here, who can carry out all my plans for me!!

  10. Yeah - he's free to visit me anytime! What a great brother - looks fab!!

  11. You're little bro is ace. Nice transformation!

  12. WoW, lovely work! Thank goodness for little brothers, lucky you!

  13. Well done little brother - I wish mine was closer and could do those odd jobs the husband does not seem to get to

  14. It's going to be a nice day here today so I am going to tackle the raft of dandelions that have sprung up in our front garden :)

  15. Wow! Your garden looks fab-u-lous.

  16. he did a great job! the garden looks wonderful :D

  17. Thank god your brother dropped in or I would have had to offer my services.....

    I love a little neatness in the yard, or, well, anywhere really. And what a stunning weekend for getting out in the garden too!

  18. Does he do acreages???
    He looks great. Enjoy

  19. I've seen someones yard full of lavender. it was so beautiful. I too have a black thumb... my thumb may have dropped off and run away

  20. What a lovely brother! He did a great job.

  21. What a Good Boy he is...Your Garden looks Gorgeous he did a Fabulous Job.

  22. I have a little brother like that. Gotta love 'em. (Pretty much despised mine until I was twenty!).

  23. What a great haircut your garden got. Seems like your little brother could start charging with all those commenters above seeking garden makeovers!

  24. Thank goodness for little brothers...Why is it something that seems like it would be easy (outside of the labor of course) is such a hard thing to do...Love the new look!


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