
Friday, May 14, 2010

Suburban Shopping

The weirdest thing happened on Wednesday afternoon...... after reading this post earlier in the day, I had to head down the main street of my local suburban shopping strip to visit the newsagent and the beauty therapist.

Just two doors down I found this.

Is it a Messages from the Universe......

PS - I'm apologising in advance to everyone attending Sew It Together. Just like Andi, I am truly terrrible at remembering names, so sorry!


  1. Yes most definitly a message from above...
    A good 7 meters above...

  2. Looks like it's going to be a fab shop ... just from the look of the sign! Nic

  3. I hope it's going to be a lovely shop filled with crafty goodness but I confess I'm thinking it's going to be women's clothing. Keep us posted & have a fabulous time this weekend.

  4. Is there any clues by looking under that newspaper!!!?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Yeah my guess is clothes too, but yay for the word STITCH!!!

    PS word verification = "string". How about that.

  7. Hope it is a shop full of crafty goodness. Do let us know when it opens.

  8. I'm thinking it's definitely a message from the universe. Go home CurlyPops, put your feet up, do some stitching. Enjoy.

    See you later.

  9. Hey, I didn't notice that, do you know anything about it?
    It would be marvellous to have a good stitchery shop in town! (Might not be so great for the budget though)

  10. have a fab time at Sew It Together, I am in a big sulky shit cos I feel like I am missing out on the event of the year!!!

  11. Well you've got to listen to messages from the universe :)

  12. Love it! Have a fab time this weekend! Wish I was joining you!

  13. Got to love a message from the universe.

  14. we have the same shopping strip. I thought id seen it before! drove past it when i was going to the butcher today. Small world hey?


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