
Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Creative Space

My creative space is all about the works in progress at the moment....

I have a custom order currently in progress for another camera bag. I love being able to take the initial drawing, and sit down at my desk to work out the cutting dimensions (including seam allowances) and decide how to cut the fabric so that the construction goes smoothly (or sometimes not so smoothly).

Even though I've only had one semester of formal design training many many moons ago, I'm still really interested in construction, and the way that things fit together. Maybe that's where my interest in manufacturing came from all those years ago?

So far, this one is going right to plan..... it has nice sturdy interfacing all over, some extra in the base, and medium heavy fusible wadding over the top of that. I just need to work on sewing on half of the closure, so that I can then begin constructing the outer (the extra fun bit where I get to see if it works)!

For much more of this weeks creativity, pop on over and visit Kirsty!


  1. Clever! You should definatley go on Project Runway with those skills! Nic

  2. Yep, really clever! I'm loving your bags...

  3. I've been promising my other half a camera bag for ages (and a laptop bag). I may need to borrow some of your ideas so that I eventually get around to producing them:)

  4. I love watching the design and construction processes from clever gals like yourself. It's always interesting to see people's processed.

  5. OH that is why you are so clever!!XX

  6. I love being able to see how things come together. Happy constructing!

  7. I would never have thought ot do it like that! So clever Cam!

  8. I think that you could make a camera bag style dress or skirt...all those zips and seams would look great in a piece of clothing too.

  9. Thinking in 3-D is hard!! I am always impressed when I see something like this being designed. Can't wait to see the finished bag, Ms CurlyPops.

  10. WOW look at you go, I have no doubt in my mind that you will be able to make something amazing, i like seeing all the steps and ideas. Designing and figuring out the contruction, is often what I find the hardest. Can't wait to see the finsihed bagxo

  11. I haven't popped over for what seems like ages, but as always you are so inspiring! I can't wait to see the finished product!!

  12. It's those little moments of creating that make it all worthwhile. Sounds like it will have a good, firm bottom. Cherrie

  13. Very clever! It all looks very professional around here. No mucking about. Love the fabric for the case. xo m.

  14. Fabulous, I am glad someone else will soon be the proud owner of a Curly Pops camera bag. I am sure it will be as treasured as mine is. Hope your feeling better.

  15. It looks very good and sturdy - will we get to see the finished product?

  16. Looking to see the done deal when you're through!

  17. Good luck with it, your other camera bag was lovely! Nice to have some custom orders too.

  18. Very clever, so neat and very professional! I am so impressed!

  19. I agree with Happydacks, so neat and professional! I often try to see how things are constructed but never truly understand it - you must have one of those ace spatial type brains.

  20. Love to hear that someone has a brain for construction...too often we hear that spacial awareness is a man's domain. I bet you can read a mean map too! Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)

  21. Looks like you would save on a little bit of sewing this way too?
    Less steps to get there - Yay!
    (apart from all the planning before hand!)

  22. It looks great Cam - I have so much trouble thinking in 3 dimensions, things like that really confuse me!

  23. I can't help thinking you and Nikki may be something of a structural influence on each other?!?

    Hope you received all the right answers yesterday.

  24. That's looking fantastic. I really love the design and construction process too. Very rewarding :)


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