
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Time Warp

I like to keep an eye on the local real estate...

and I think I may have just found my dream home...

Immaculate 70's styling that hasn't been touched in the last 35 years.

The ceiling, the carpet, the woodwork..... that orange lamp!

A girl can dream can't she?

All photos belong to Stockdale and Leggo via


  1. Loving it too Cam. Similar to our new home, but we bought ours with an updated kitchen which is a shame. Love the not so open plan.

  2. The kitchen in this house makes it my current dream home:
    Plus check out the twin beds!

    As far as size and consistent style are concerned, yours wins.

  3. isn't that the Brady house?!!!
    that living room is bigger than my whole house.
    it's a great dream Cam, you never know.

  4. Ooh - you can't beat orange splash tiles in the kitchen, in my opinion!

    Although I've never like wood panelling. That would get painted quick smart. I know - call me a heathen!!

  5. Wow! It's like they've renovated to look like that! Very swish...and huge! Dreaming costs nothing :)

  6. Oh wow Cam! Love it!!!!! Thanks for sharing :D

  7. It was the peacocks on the wall that sold me!

  8. yes, the peacocks are the best thing, or maybe the lamp!

  9. But does it have a sewing room? lol Cherrie

  10. The peacocks, the velour, it makes you want to pat the whole house! The carpet, that coffee table, I love it all. Gonna buy it?

  11. Oh wow that's incredible! Would you even need to change anything, Love it!

  12. I can relate to this house!
    Hello House, I like you. Can you come and be my house (I guess I would have to move to it). Would the estate agent notice if I "borrowed" the lamp?

  13. I agree with Cathie. Somebody stole the Brady house and flew it over to Australia.

  14. Oh wow - could you just go and steal those peacocks off the wall?

  15. I love the big front porches of the 70's especially ones with balustrading :)

  16. oh yeah!
    or the cream kitchen in this house

  17. How unbelievable that is has not changed - they must of really been quality top shelf projects to have lasted this long! - you sure it was not a set for underbelly! LOL

  18. O.M.G !!!!

    The wood panels are a dream! I wonder if they would be willing to part with some of the furniture too? It seriously looks like it is almost straight out of home beautiful, but the funny thing is I can't work out if its HB 1973 or HB 2010.

    Great find. I love it!

  19. You just found my dream house too. Where is it?

    By the way, love the new blog look. It's really fresh and clean. What template are you using these days.

  20. Heehee! I was married and 1970 and received a peacock exactly like the ones on the wall for a gift. Sorry 70's isn't my thing at all!
    Might have something to do with the "poor broke newlyweds syndrome"

  21. Does the furniture come with the house?
    I'm in love!!

  22. i love that house! especially the kitchen

  23. Awesome!!!!!!! How come Aussie 70s houses look so much better than British?! The space is stunning... room to move and breath.

    BTW, I'd like to invite you and your readers over to my blog to join in my giveaway... it's for one of my Pondlife + Plankton appliqued pencil rolls. It's on until 31 May over at

    Look forward to seeing you over there :)

    Emma x

  24. Just be careful. Mike Brady could show up at any minute. ;-)

  25. Very cool.....when we bought our house a few years back it had all it's original 60's features. We haven't touched a thing. Thank god the owner didn't feel the need to do the 80's thing.

  26. that is very cool.
    i love that the whole house is fluidly designed and decorated and that no one changed a thing! it's very cool. (i sad that already, but it is!)

  27. Wow... it's hard to believe that the house still exists in it's orginal condition. It seems sad that it may be bought and knocked down. I hope that the new owner loves it as much as you would Cam!

  28. Not sure its for me, looks much like where I grew up. Real estate agents must be getting into the whole retro thing, heres another, different era but just as fascinating.

  29. wow very retro. I live in the same area so have driven past the house several times. The stone on the outside always leaped out to me. Thanks for the peek inside. :)

  30. Amazing house!!
    "Toatally Diggin" the peacocks!!

  31. I'm so disappointed they've decluttered. Can you imagine what might have been on the fantastic asymmetrical shelves near the tv?!!!

    What a shrine to the 70s (and I'm lovin' 70s right now!)


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