
Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I received a lovely surprise from Trudi at last weeks NCB....

This lovely piece of vintage fabric came from her aunty (please correct me if I'm wrong Trudi).

It's the perfect amount of fabric to whip up a lovely vintage style dress..... I wonder if that was the original intention when it was purchased?

As I've never sewn a proper dress for myself before, I'm going to put my birthday voucher to use, and enlist some help from Bec.

In the meantime, Frances is looking quite sauve draped in a vision of loveliness....


  1. Oh I am excited!! It's going to look so glam and heavenly... Have you worn your other red dress out yet!! The one that doesn't need and excuse to be worn?!!

    xo Steph

  2. That's beautiful! I can't wait to see the dress you make.

  3. Hehe it's pink! What a surprise :P
    Bring on the finished dress pics :D

  4. Wow what gorgeous fabric ! You will transform it into a stunning dress , can't wait to see it !

  5. EEEEK! Its SO gorgeous! Cant wait to see the finished dress!!!!

  6. Oh my, that really is too good.
    I can't wait to see the finished product.
    Thank you so much for Huckle's sweet gift. He looks very dashing in them.
    Have a lovely week.

  7. gorgeous! It's looks like just your sort of fabric. Have fun creating something amazing!

  8. This is beautiful ... I love the drape of it.

  9. Wow - my mum had some fabric like that in a green that I made a long skirt from - I think she said is was originally curtain fabric - but who cares!

  10. That fabric will make a sensational dress. I am sure you will do it proud! Can’t wait to see you modelling it.

  11. that is beautiful fabric :D gorgeous colours for an outfit

  12. As soon as I saw the first picture I thought dress! :)


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