
Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Creative Space

In my creative space today.... all the bits and pieces for Susan's long awaited camera bag (just try to ignore all of the random clutter and mess in the background).

It was a bit of a tricky challenge. Susan requires a tall skinny bag for her camera, so that she can pop it straight inside with the very tall flash still attached.

This was the first opportunity where I've needed to use my vintage sleeve press. I would have been completely lost trying to iron it without that press.

The bag outer and front flap (which you can't see in the photo) were made using a very beautiful Ink and Spindle fabric that Susan supplied. I've used the same fabric on the underside of the adjustable strap, with a black denim on the top. The inner of the bag is black with white polkadots with an internal zip pocket. The strap will be finished off with some lovely silver hardware.

I'm going to have it all finished and ready to give to Susan next Thursday night at NCB.

There's one last piece of the puzzle still to be made. Do you see that little piece of pink cardboard at the bottom centre of the photo? That's a little template that I've made up, so that I can cut out the two side pieces that fit between the body of the bag, and the adjustable strap. Once they're finished, then it's just a matter of sewing all of the puzzle pieces together, and giving it very hot and steamy iron so that it's nice and smooth and crease free.

I think my poor little workhorse (sewing machine) will then be going on a little holiday for a bit of rest and relaxation with the nice sewing machine service man. Never fear, I have my little sisters machine as backup!

Make sure to pop in and visit Kirsty today and check out the hundreds of others creative spacers. I'm off to work, but I'll be checking the list when I get home.


  1. I love seeing all of the mess in the background – I had subscribed to the delusion that you were a neat tidy crafter. So glad to see you are just like the rest of us mere messy mortals!!!

  2. what clutter? thats nothing lol looks like you can still move around a bit ;p

  3. Not sure which bit I love best, the beautiful Ink & Spindle fabric which you know I'm a fan of, the 'stuff' in the background, or the project itself. Camera bag, hmmph....don't know that I'll ever be skilled enough for that!

  4. Great space, Cam - looks very productive and fun!

  5. as a former camera bag recipient I say- get excited Susan!!!!

  6. I am Cath, I am ... I had this idea in my head of how it will all look and it's so exciting to see it coming together. it ttook me a while to work out what the white polka dot thing is until I realised it's the lining ... that's the rear stitching to the internal pocket! the colours look so nice together (I just love the strap Cam) and I can't wait to use it ... now I only have to wait a week to get it. i feel like a kid at Christmas! LOL

  7. It's looking fab, Cam. ANd I love your random clutter.... it's like a colour-coordinated version of mine. Love the Curlypops coloured baskets. Very vous.

  8. Just looking at how it goes together makes my head hurt. You are very clever. My machine is also in need of some R & R. I really need to slot a time in and stick with it. Enjoy the work...don't work too hard, my dear. Lisa x

  9. Love the bag, and love the clutter! I have two weeks to go until the move then I will get to have a space that is all mine to clutter as I will. I am a tad excited!

  10. You are so clever!
    These custom made camera bags are just brilliant!!

  11. the messy background is the best bit....the nuts and bolts. my sewing machine too is unhappy, and it's already had it's R & R with the repair man!!!! makes me nervous:) great camera bag.

  12. I love the back ground "mess" looks like a real working place. And well if you think that's messy.....xo

  13. Looks great so far. And, the so called "mess" in the background looks very orderly to me.

  14. The bag looks beautiful as usual and the fabric is just devine.

  15. Ooh, I like! Can't wait to get mine - although I've changed my mind on my fabric! Will send to you as soon as I get the linen I need...

  16. It's looking great and just love the print on the fabric you are using.

  17. These camera bags looks like hard aka to me so well done!Love the fabric choice ;)x

  18. You are so clever ! That case is going to be amazing !

  19. I love reading about your creative process. And I love that bag! Lucky Susan!

  20. how clever are you!! looking great... what clutter???

  21. Looks gorgeous so far! Bravo to you! Hope all is well in your world :)

  22. Great looking bag...beautiful looking and glad to see a normal house with stuff about.

  23. Awesome space - you look so organised.

  24. Nothing nicer than a custom made bag. I love your small drawers you have in the background, I have a thing about little drawers, they always look like they have something really interesting in them.

  25. What a great idea a custom camera bag. I thought I recognized the fabric just beautiful. Great creative space by the way!

  26. Hi I love your creative space - very inspiring! I wondered how it is that you are storing your patterns in the background of your pic? Have you pinned them to a board or something? Mine are in a giant pile and trying to find a way to keep them clean but easily accessible. Thanks xo

  27. Love this camera bag you're making!! I'd love one myself, the idea of it is fantastic and unique, I've looked but never found one like this...I guess now I know where to look!! Thanks.

  28. your random clutter looks impressively organised to me. the camera bag is ace. you are so neat and precise.


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