
Saturday, July 3, 2010

The 10:1 Ratio

After yesterdays healthy post, today I'm making up for it using Cath's truly scientifically accurate 10:1 ratio rule.

Apparently, for every one healthy thing I eat, I'm allowed to eat ten junky things to make up for it!

So I've emptied out the current contents of my drawer to choose from.... and by my calculations, the consumption of just one banana, now necessitates the consumption of all of this to make up for it!

Wish me luck!


  1. And here I was worrying that you wouldn't have enough chocolate!! Enjoy!

  2. Your post gave me a good laugh for the start of the day. I'm sure that it's true that you can now eat all that chocolate as you had eaten the banana! Regards, Christine

  3. mmm, the essential brown vitamin... enjoy!

  4. I suspect the hospital mail system is slow ... which is a good thing, otherwise you might just tip over the edge this weekend. At least you are in the right place if you lapse into a sugar-induced coma!

  5. You do know that you can't believe everything you read on the net? haha Cherrie

  6. And as part of this ratio did you know all calories consumed on your birthday actually burn more fat. A little known fact from Dr Cath.

  7. Soldier on, Cam! I'm sure you'll battle through that stash like the trouper that you are. Just think, "If I get through this, I can have another banana!".

  8. I think this ratio makes perfect sense. This would work well for housework as well. For every minute of housework I get 10 mins blogging or crafting etc :)

  9. And following ón from Cath @ChunkyChooky it is also a fact that calories from broken biscuits just fall out and that if you eat cake at the top of a hill all calories in said cake roll to the bottom of the hill. True facts.

  10. It's tough but someone has got to do it lol!

  11. Mmm, I see a market for printing banana skins with "Me, me me, the original, same great big intense banana taste" with some splashes of gold and red...sure to boost banana sales, surely...
    But I guess nothing beats the pure pleasure of chocolate. Enjoy!

  12. Cam pleeeease don't forget the healthy effort you are making by having fruit and nuts in your chocolate and all those cherries too!!!!! and maybe at a stretch there is fibre in the tee vee snacks, that HAS to equal another banana xxx

  13. Fruit and nut, a healthy choice, and saves on having to eat another piece of fruit. Love scientific facts!!!

  14. You're going to have to eat so many greens to make up for all that! But hey, you can worry about that later right?

  15. And I'm the diabetic..?? Go figure!
    I am pretty sure you will definately need some insulin if you manage to eat all of that..! Maybe you should save some for tomorrow!! And by the looks of it someone knows you like the Lindt Chocolate....

  16. This looks so tempting! I'm on day 5 of a detox of no sugar and my cravings for chocolate have spun out of control!!x

  17. anything white has no calories in it either, so white chocolate (although not my favourite chocolate) is consumable in large ammounts lol

  18. It's a hard life when you HAVE to eat so much chocolate. I've just had a bowl of fruit salad and see that I must now raid my treats cupboard to get back in balance!! The logic is indisputable!

  19. you are truly my kinda gal with my kinda thinking. genius!

  20. You're a woman after my own heart!!

  21. Dude. I can feel diabetes kicking just LOOKING at that pic!! :p


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