
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Completely Over It (and a recipe for Chocolate Crackles)

Gorgeous brooch made by Cathie - Blurry mobile phone photo by me!

I'm a fairly placid and easygoing and patient person these days, but I've REALLY had enough now. I just want to go home to my own house, and sleep in my own bed where it's nice and dark and quiet and peaceful and private!

I needed a change of scenery today, so I spent the entire morning in the coffee shop, reading the Sunday paper back to back.

I found a very interesting Donna Hay Chocolate Crackle recipe in the Sunday Magazine which I'm definitely going to test out.

Chocolate Crackles

200g dark chocolate, chopped
100g butter
1/3 cup golden syrup
4 cups puffed rice cereal

Place the chocolate, butter and golden syrup in a suacepan over low heat and cook, stirring, until melted and smooth.
Place the cereal in a bowl with the chocolate mixture and mix well to combine.
Spoon 2 teaspoons of the mixture into 48 small paper cases.
Refrigerate for 1 hour or until set.
Makes 48.

Now that sounds much yummier than the old school version which uses copha.

To fill in the rest of the day, I have a crossword and my knitting.

I'd better be getting out of here tomorrow.... I really can't take much more!


  1. Cute Brooch! Hope they let you out tomorrow I'm sure you have alot of Foxtel to catch up on!! And I look forward to you making me Chocolate CRackles very soon!!

  2. Aww Cam, putting lots of positive energy juice out there so you can be back in the cofort of all your own surroundings Hun... Big hugs and punet of strawberries!! Actually do you like strawberries? We can dip them in chocolate so they are a naughty healthy treat hehe...sshh.

    Xo Steph

  3. I can vouch for that recipe - I made a version (also from Donna Hay) that was basically the same with added mini marshmallows... yum!
    Best wishes for getting out tomorrow!

  4. Feel for you!!
    Sending you thoughts of fun crafting, girly catch-ups and crackle consumption.
    (Must bookmark that recipe - thanks)
    Andi x

  5. Uh oh! I'm off to the shop to buy chocolate now...
    Hope you get your leave pass soon.

  6. I really hope you are home tomorrow too, hospitals can really start to hinder the healing process after a while, bargeloI can understand your frustration. Sweet brooch & thanks for the recipe, looks yum!

  7. Yum, sounds much healthier without the copha!

    Hope you're home soon :)

  8. oooppps!'bargelo' was the word verification..not meant to be there - I have a child harping at me to play smartkiddies, not paying attention!

  9. HOT DAMN! I always seem to be living under a rock when this sort of stuff goes down. If they don't set you free tomorrow, send out the call and we bloggy types will come and break you out.

    PS. I am so banana proud of you.

  10. that really does suck, I hope you get set free soon.... hospital is the worst place if you want a good nights sleep. xx

  11. Quiet sounds good. Fingers crossed that you escape tomorrow!

  12. Get out soon, Curlypops! I'd heard of a decent crackle recipe, and now I can use this one - thanks!

  13. oh I do hope you get home tomorrow too, gorgeous brooch a lovely pressie

  14. Oh Cam, I hope you are out of there soon!

    Those brooches are just to die for!

    (now about the choc krispie thingys - I'm stuck on the Mars Bar recipe - its just gooorgeous!)

    (and easy peasy - just melt some Mars Bars and mix with Krispies and a bit of melted butter)x

  15. I can't imagine what its like to be stuck somewhere you don't want to be. I hope they let you out soon and I hope that you won't have to go back for a long time :)

  16. Fingers crossed for you to come home tomorrow. You know I TOTALLY feel for you Cam.


    p.s. Don't know how I feel about golden syrup in my choc crackles. I love the copha ones!

  17. I saw that recipe, and ripped it out, along with the coconut ice that is also copha free. Me and copha don't really get along, so yay!

  18. Thanks for the recipe Cam, it looks excellent, much too good to waste on the midgets - I think it's time I make some 'grown up' chocolate crackles!
    Hope they let you out soon!

  19. If you don't get out tomorrow, I fear for their lives! And if worst comes to worst, I'm sure your friends will break you out ;-)

    Love the brooch! Very pretty. I will have to try that recipe too - better to use golden syrup than the evil copha!

  20. Wishing you wellness and lots of success with the crossword!

  21. Fingers crossed you are getting out tomorrow!

    Thanks a lot for that chocolate crackle recipe. I think my kiddos would love it. It's school holidays, so I think I will give it a try this week.

  22. I told you we would stage an intervention. Shall just go kick off the jungle drums and round up the troops.

    p.s. loving that choc crackle recipe, will convince UK smalls to try it.

  23. I'm with Tania, I think it may need to call for a bloggy rescue.
    It totally sucks Cam, I really do hope they let you out tomorrow. xo

  24. Pretty brooch!
    Mm chocolate crackles without copha! That sounds good as copha and I don't really like each other..
    I hope you get to go home soon Cam.
    Take care.

  25. Cam- fingers crossed for you. I have been away to Friends - by my choice- and I am happy to be home- I can't imagine how you feel.
    Anyway, the recipe- I read it and thought- hmmmm, no copha! I have an 8 year olds birthday party this week, these might crack a mention,

  26. thinking of you Cam & hope you get set free tomorrow.
    hugs ♥

  27. Wishing you a get out free pass just as soon as the sun comes up!!!

    Hope you're all better and get to enjoy your own space and things real soon.

  28. Glad to see you are getting some lovely visitors to keep you entertained. But there is nothing like home... hope you get to sleep in your own bed tomorrow night.
    Best wishes to you Cam.

  29. Crackles without copha? Is that even allowed!?
    Fingers crossed you are home safe tomorrow.

  30. My dear Cam...
    I am crossing fingers for tomorrow...
    I can't imagine how you have been feeling stuck inside and not in your own home...
    I am sending tonnes of hugs your way...

  31. love the brooch and hooray for a c.crackle recipe without copha-yuk.
    good luck for an escape today. if it doesn't work out i promise to bake you a chocolate crackle cake with a file in it.

  32. I so hope you are home today .
    I like the sound of golden syrup in the crackles , that's different , thanks .

  33. Thanks Cam for the sweet recipe that will do a easy peasy holiday "to do" thing :)I did not realise you were not home again.I hope you go home soon!Take care xx

  34. Aw, you're back in?? :( That kinda blows. Hope they get it together and get you out tomorrow!!

  35. Hoping you'll be home soon. x

  36. I'm so sorry about being useless and unable to visit you Cam. It really sucks, being holed up in hospital.

    Meanwhile, thanks for sourcing some copha-less chocolate crackles - these sound like da bomb!


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