
Friday, July 30, 2010

Clicketty Click

My new shoes arrived in the post yesterday.....

In fact, I nearly tripped over them. I'd forgotten to put my garbage bin out on the street the night before and I heard the garbage truck hurtling down the street, so I grabbed a bag of rubbish and headed out the front door.

My lovely postie had jammed the postpak between my flywire door and my heavy door, and I wasn't watching where I was going (and I was wearing moccasins) ..... and it was very nearly an absolute disaster.

Today I'm celebrating not ending up with a broken ankle by wearing my new shoes - with trackie dacks (as you do).


  1. It's a well known fact that new shoes should be worn immediately... regardless of whether your attire matches or not :) And we do match very nicely today! lol

  2. "There's no place like home!" wear those gorgeous shoes with trackie dacks!

  3. I got the fright of my life when I clicked onto Google Reader just now. What were my new shoes doing on the screen? Aren't they the best? All shiny and pretty. They are also really, really comfy. I also bought the black pair when they were on sale.

  4. you look pretty!!
    luckily you aren't back in hospital again.

  5. They are just gorgeous!
    Love the flower detail.x

  6. Love red shoes and yours are super cute!XX

  7. Red shoes are lovely. Not enough red in our lives I think. We should have more colour in our lives — red shoes one day, red lipstick the next.

  8. I am loving your shoes . They remind me of children's magical type of shoes .

  9. I just love your shiny red shoes. Enjoy!

  10. How good are they. There'll be dancing next.

  11. Holy cow Batman, they are divine, lucky you.

  12. Oh they *are* the same as mine. I thought they were just similar! Mine are Hush Puppies though. We call them my Ruby Slippers! I do love them so much :)

  13. Hot! I too like to jazz up the trackies with suitable footwear ... dare you to go to the corner shop...

  14. OH.MY.GOSH they have got to be the coolest shoes EVER hehe

  15. I thought I was looking at my own feet instead of the computer! When I saw them I just had to have them. I also bought the purple ones. They are so comfortable

  16. Absolutely custom made for you. Cherrie

  17. Gotta love a beautiful red shoe (or two!)

  18. Every girl has gotta have a red pair of shoes....yours are so lovely.

  19. Lovely. Very pleased you didn't break an ankle

  20. Oh they are simply beautiful Cam!! Glad you aren't sporting a cast instead. Enjoy your new Dorothy shoes, every girl should have a pair xo

  21. Oh my goodness they are they most gorgeous shoes I've seen for a long time! I have severe shoe envy. You are a woman of taste and refinement!

  22. Very nice!! Nothing like special new shoes... even if you are wearing them in yer trackies!!

  23. Well you need to be comfy whilst wearing your new shiny shoes :)

  24. Wow, they are stunning! Shoe envy over here too. :)

  25. What beautiful shiny red shoes! stunning! Everyone should own red shoes :)

  26. They're great! Love that you're so proud of them ... the little things in life.

    Do they come with wall peacocks!?

  27. Oh my god, I love love those shoes, they are magic. And of course the trackies, go the trackies and cute shoes, you are a woman of style there's not doubt in that. xo

  28. those are some really BEAUTIFUL shoes!!

    i hope they might still be available when my no clothes (shoes, hat & handbags!) challenge is over in November - i'd really love a pair of those gorgeous shoes

  29. Sooooooooooo nice! You know red goes faster right?
    Glad you didn't brake your ankle!!!

  30. What sensational shoes - stunning! So glad you didn't beak a leg.

  31. They are super cute.......anything to brighten up a winters in Melbourne is truley a good purchase.


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