
Friday, July 23, 2010

Microsoft Office Home and Business 2010 - Winner

Thanks so much to everyone who entered my giveaway.... and now to the exciting part!

  1. I need it! PLEASE?! I really wish that the giveaway god would smile on me for this one! Thanks Cam!! - Visit
  2. Considering my luck I think if I won anything it would be a miracle!! Plus we could do with an update.... :) - Visit
  3. It would be the perfect reward for finally finishing my Business Plan. Cause from this day on I have to be more business like - Visit
  4. It would be great to win something that would benefit my whole family. Thanks for the opportunity! - Visit
  5. Love it, Love it, Love it. - Visit
  6. Our copy of 2007 has to be uninstalled when my hubby finishes up work - would love love love to win a copy of our very own! - Visit
  7. Id love this software, but am trying to be sensible and save money - please count me in your draw! - Visit
  8. I would love to win this; would really help out given Ive just started my own business. - Visit
  9. My husband has never been interested in blogs until he read yours over my shoulder. Id love to win this for him, my IT man. - Visit
  10. I totally need it because my Microsoft programs area always crashing and having a hissy fit at me. It drives me beserk. - Visit
  11. Oh this is perfect timing, Im just about to launch my oilcloth business Messy Essy and need to get a copy of this software,C - Visit
  12. Id like this for my sister so she can do her school work on instead of Open Office. That way theres no compatibility issues. - Visit
  13. our "new" laptops trial ran out and so did our cash so the old version was installed. would love to upgrade! - Visit
  14. Yes please!... see comment. x - Visit
  15. This would be one way to keep in sweet with Mr Button. Hes not too fussed on gifts of fabric but this would float his boat! - Visit
  16. we had to reformay our whole computer and lost our office suite - would love to replace it for free! - Visit
  17. We broke down and finally bought a new computer, but it didnt come with software (trials only). This would be handy! - Visit
  18. why should I win? Because Im sick of the little box coming up that says "please validate your trial period". I hope I win :-) - Visit
  19. Oh, just what I desperately PC died recently and I havent yet got Office installed.... - Visit
  20. If I won this my kids PC would be compatible with my mac for office documents yeah no worrying about backward compatibility. - Visit
  21. This is probably what I need to get organised instead of having "stuff" all over the place ! - Visit
  22. Its time to update our computer. How great would it be to win this! - Visit
  23. My sister would love a copy of this on her laptop! Thanks - Visit
  24. I need to write one more essay for uni, Word will make my life much easier! - Visit
  1. the boy would love me forever! and well it would mean id love to use his computer ha ha! thanks! - Visit
  2. I need this software! I have a very old system on my computer and it is slowing me down! Help me become speedy and efficient! - Visit
  3. Id love to win this Cam, it would be ace for the whole family xo - Visit
  4. I have to upgrade my 5 year old laptop and it would be ace to not have to outlay the moolah for some software! - Visit
  5. Great give away Cam. - Visit
  6. My poor retro pc is chugging along with Vintage OfficeXP so I would be SUPER EXCITED to try such a new fangled version!! - Visit
  7. Oh please count me in, I bought the student version last year & it doesnt have outlook *sob* DH wont let me buy this one :( - Visit
  8. Oooh it would be great to have the business component and Id love to upgrade the Office. Thanks Cam x - Visit
  9. My computer does email and internet but not much else. I think this might just improve things a little! - Visit
  10. Id love to win this bec. our computer needs to be "dood-ed up" with useful programs- its embarrassing! - Visit
  11. Wow, wouldnt it be nice to be up to date!! - Visit
  12. Wow, wouldnt it be nice to be up to date!! - Visit
  13. Id love to win this Software because Ive just started my new business, getting a new computer and this is just what I need. - Visit
  14. What a great giveaway! I would donate it to my local fire brigade (I am the secretary so know it something we need!). - Visit
  15. Oooh I would really need to win this - Visit
  16. Honestly, I think the newest version we have is 2005 - this would be a great update for us that we really cant afford! - Visit
  17. wonderful Cam! thanks - Visit
  18. Seeing as my old version is not doing too well on Vista, I would love to enter. And youve got to be in it to win it, even - Visit
  19. A very generous giveaway! Hope you pick me! - Visit
  20. Oooh a giveaway!!! Im about to update my computer... so winning this would be fantastic!!! - Visit
  21. I scraped and scraped to buy a PC, to find it had no msoffice. A single mum with a toddler my pc keeps me company at night. - Visit
  22. This linky list is now closed.

 The winner is number 32 - Abbe from Copper Patch.

Congratulations Abbe - can you please email me your address and I'll pop your prize in the post first thing Monday morning!


  1. Wow! I'm so thrilled for Abbe, yay! xo

  2. WOW!!!! That is so awesome. Thanks Cam. Everyone is invited over to play with my laptop now :o)
    You must be my lucky charm Cam.
    Ab xxx

  3. Congratulations Copper Patch. Now I won't have to work out how to install it!! Cherrie

  4. Fantastic giveaway and good for you, Abbe! Lisa x

  5. Congrats Abbe!
    Great giveaway Cam.


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