
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I heart...

I seem to be getting even more addicted to drawing over the last few weeks - I've been drawing at the skate park, on the couch, at Bec's house, and even in bed!

I'm now onto my second drawing journal.

Serendipitously, my cousin in Scotland has started a new craft blog - i heart...
She's making a little zine and looking for submissions from anyone and everyone. I'm working on a few different ideas and trying to decide which drawing to go with.... decisions, decisions....


  1. This is a lovely drawing. Reminds me of balloons on string. But also newly sprouted plants.

  2. Colouring-in is very relaxing and extremely underrated!

  3. happy picture for a sunny day (well here it is anyhoo). x

  4. I'd really like to see you screen print some fabric. I think your illustration style would lend its self perfectly.

  5. Great drawings! Makes me wish I could draw; I got stuck in a style at around age 3 and haven't progressed from vague squiggles. Yours are, however, great and very distinctive.

  6. This is so cute..I love the colors, so happy and cheerful.

  7. Love the crazy wonky hearts. Such a true reflection of our inner hearts turmoils and joys.

  8. a comment from my three year old - "the love heart blog is sooo cool!" (I agree!)

  9. Such great work. I love drawing too but I have never found the time to improve my craft. Thanks for sharing.

  10. How come you never showed your skill with the pens before! You're super talented lady!

  11. Your hand drawn hearts are gorgeous! Love the colours

  12. Drawing is super addictive - your life will never be the same again!

  13. Cam you are channelling some serious creativity girl!! Spring is here and you can shout it loud and clear... give me an S...P..R...I...N...G! hehe

    I just email your cousin... what's her name btw?

    xo Steph

  14. I LOVE those pens. Used to be you could only find them in Germany (as far as I could tell), so I'd buy multi-packs whenever I got the option, or request them from friends traveling there. They color so nicely, don't they?


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