
Friday, September 24, 2010

And on with the show!

The day has finally arrived - Home is Where the Craft Is officially opens tonight.

My group of pieces form The Container Garden.

My original containment idea sort of metamorphosed when my containers suddenly started filling with flowers.

It's the ultimate no maintenance water free garden.

I hope that you can come along for a look over the next couple of weeks if you happen to be in Melbourne.

I'll be sharing more of my exhibition pieces during the week.

A big thankyou for the beautiful photos must go to the very talented Cathie, who came to help me set up earlier in the week.


  1. GORGEOUS CAM! (....and Cathie, of course!)

  2. They are so beautiful! Never seen anything like it ... beautiful!

  3. I so wish we were there to come and see it!
    Looks wonderful Cam - and brilliant photos Cathie!!x

  4. These are just MAGICAL, COLORFUL and of course BEAUTIFUL...not surprising considering their creator =-)

  5. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! Love your colourful flowers. Congrats on the exhibition.

  6. WOW...looking forward to seeing them in the flesh tonight!!!

  7. oooohhh, exciting Cam!!
    Looking forward to it, yay!

  8. Fantastic. The pink pebbles in the jars go so well!

  9. They look gorgeous! And yep, I'm loving the coloured pebbles too!

  10. How exciting cam !! You and tinniegirl are like a super-duo, I think she might need a super-hero alter ego as well....

  11. It look beautiful Cam. I'm definitely popping along, though not tonight.
    Can't wait to it in the real xo

  12. OMG, I LOVE it! The colours, the way you've put pieced it together, the gorgeousness of it all! You are so clever, Cam. I wish I was in Melbourne so I could see it for 'real'. x

  13. Wow your flowers look stunning! goodluck with the show.

  14. Oh, I love love love those flowers and those photos!

  15. In case I don't make it in person: Have a wonderful evening!

  16. Totally awesome, the colours, everything! And I LOVE your styling - the no maintenance garden - fabulous! Good luck for tonight, you're going to be the biggest hit!

  17. Perfect spring flowers when as I'm surrounded by by sand and concrete. Hope you had a lovely evening.

  18. you'r welcome very much
    I am crazy love your work
    so beautiful things you make
    I wish you a most wonderful weekend wishes.
    Lots of love and greetings Margarita Stipje ♥

  19. Oh, these are so beautiful Cam - well done.

  20. Beautiful flowers they will bright up the whole exhibition I am sure! x

  21. Wow! They really are gorgeous. I wish I was close enough to see them in person.

  22. They are gorgeous, and ever so you. I love all the colours and fabric choices.


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