
Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Creative Space

I think Kirsty's still on holidays this week, but I'm still playing my creative space anyway..... mainly because I wanted to show off the fact that I actually cleaned my workbench!

I spotted the plastic container idea over at Kimono Reincarnate last week. Melanie has all of hers nicely labelled, but I haven't managed to get that far just yet.

The great thing is that they're see through (so you can actually see whats in them), and they stack nicely, and I only paid around $15 for 50 containers and lids from Lombards.

Now, lets see if I can keep it this way..... wishful thinking?


  1. Aahh, it's a nice feeling to be organised. You've such a brilliant space, it looks great! I love red your scales up there on the shelf, too..

  2. The plastic containers are a great idea, and your space looks so very tidy. Mine is a shambles....

  3. Looks great. Is that an old sideboard you've used to store your things in for shelving? I've only just noticed it but it's a great idea. Just the right sized shelving with drawers to have at the back of your work table.

  4. Great space ... and so organised. I'm green with envy!!

  5. Hey! Looks really organised! And fun. Containers ... they deserve a medal.

    Gotta go!

  6. It's looking great Cam. I tried to do the plastic container thing but I still manage to get into a complete shambles. It's a semi-organised shambles though. So plastic containers do control it a bit!

  7. Your space looks great! What a deal on those containers! Can't wait to see what good shops you have over there!x

  8. Me too although about MCS, but it wasn't so much a decision than forgetting for me, and then I thought what the hell.
    Your space looks amazing. Bravo for organizing and cleaning. x

  9. I think I've asked you this before, but will you come up here and organise my life for me Cam? You are the most organised, and prolifically talented crafter I know...
    I wonder if plastic containers will save me from my chaos???


  10. it looks so organised!
    great idea :D

  11. Looks great! I am drooling, such a lovely space :)

  12. Looks wonderful. Makes me want to sort out my stuff a bit more.

  13. This is a good storage set up. It's like a tv series called Mr Maker, which has this storage wall made up of lots-o-boxes, filled with lots of wonderful craft things.

  14. How very organised - I'd like to see another photo in a months time to see whether the tidiness has been maintained!

  15. It looks great Cam! And yep, the plastic containers really do help... my room is still a mess, but a little more of an organised mess with the containers :) Love your sideboard!

  16. Looking good Cam! I just paid the kid to clean my room. Ahhh, to be 13 and think that $2 is well worth the trouble of folding and shelving an entire wall full of chenille!

  17. very organised Cam! I saw that on Melanies & thought about it..stopped at the thinking about it though ;)

  18. oo very nice! I acquired my very own sewing table this week (ahh free cycle I love you) so I have done much the same as you! :D

  19. Fantastic idea and perfect for those shelves. The labels sound like a great idea. Enjoy your new tidy space! And if you make a mess that is part of the process! :)

  20. good luck keeping it neat :) thats a really good deal for all those containers

  21. What a transformation!! I hope it makes it easier for you to think and create.

  22. Very nice! We all know it wont stay that way long though :-) It never does - mine is due for a clean up again and only did it a couple of weeks ago....

  23. I'm so impressed and so jealous! My creative space is a shamblesm .... thanks for the inspiration to start a clean up. Maybe tomorrow while the foot is on!

  24. Oh I love an organised creative space. Mine definitely needs some attention.
    Enjoy making beautiful things there!

  25. looks brilliant cam. if you have a spare five minutes you can take on mine


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