
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Marking Time

Two Years


  1. I prescribe CAKE and lots of it! Have some for me while you're at it! Thinking of you! xoxo

  2. {{hugs}} ♥
    I don't think the milo cuts it, I agree with Michelle!
    thinking of you

  3. A big hug from me Cam.
    ooo xJennie.

  4. I hope those small rising hearts are a sign of healing and optimism….

  5. I still say carpenters glue would work ;) or booze...lots of booze but not together. that could be a dangerous combo ;p

  6. Big sweaty top end hug! Take care lovely. You are awesome xox

  7. Read this last night on the phone and wanted to text straight away, but thought it was probably a little too late. But I was thinking of you, and hope that you felt it. xxx

  8. Looks like your hearts moved in different ways. So sad. And such a wast of time and life too. Cherrie

  9. I do hope you are OK Cam and you had loads of chocolate yesterday. Can I say though I know it has probably been a very long 2 years for you, but I can't believe that much time has gone by already, it's whizzing by at speed

  10. The picture is beautiful. From an emotional viewpoint, I hope your days are better than what they had been two years ago.
    Have a wonderful weekend, do something nice for yourself. Get out amongst people. And above all else have a slice of real chocolate cake, and strawberries. Lots of strawberries.

  11. Pooh, those yucky anniversaries come around so quick. Big hugs from me and sibby

  12. Just want to let you know I'm thinking about you...

  13. They are beautiful hearts Cam, just like your own. Sending you a hug. L xx


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