Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Unscheduled bloggy break.....back soon......


Drewzel said...

Hope it's all okay!

Taccolina said...

Hope you're okay! - Bev

Kirsty said...

Hope you're OK Cam.

Missie Krissie said...

Are you ok? Hope to see you back soon! :)

Unknown said...

I'm sending some good vibes across just in case you need them :)

Lexi:: PottyMouthMama said...

Thinking of you, hope you're ok. x

Beth said...

Thinking of you...!

Liesl said...

Hoping every is OK, too.

Christie said...

Hope all is well cam, thinking of you :-)


Anonymous said...

thinking of you

Lisa [strickerin] said...

Sending positive thoughts and love your way.

I hope everything is ok.

sewfunky said...

hopefully not too broken! :)

meetmeatmikes said...

Dear Lovely Cam,
I hope you're okay and am wishing it's your keyboard that's not working right (and not some other part of lovely YOU!) I'm thinking of you often and look forward to reading your blog again when you're back. You are supergood, ya know?
xx Pip

Michelle said...

Hope you are back on board soon. Lovely hearts in your picture.


Michelle said...

Oh goodness, hope everything is ok! Hope to see you back soon!

Jenny said...

Take Care-hope to see you back real soon.

Michelle said...

I'm thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

The interesting thing about those hearts is that they all started out broken...You pieced them back together and slowly they were mended hearts xxxx

Jodie said...

Anything we can do to help?

Bec said...

Hi Cam, just adding my voice to the many many others, to say I am thinking of you and hoping you are ok.

Stacey said...

I hope everything is okay, Cam.
I hope to see you back here soon.

Gillian R said...

Ah, the lurve is almost palpable in here!
Cam, just remember you have some crafty mamas here all batting for you. We all know you're top stuff.

Kitty said...

Hi Cam, I hope you're ok & you've got lovely people looking after you. Look forward to your return.

Corrie said...


thinking of you

Maureen Reynolds said...

Heartfelt wishes...for whatever is broken. {{{Cam}}}

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

Oh my, its so weird to not have you posting and commenting away. I am hoping (add my voice to the chorus) that you are OK and that the computer is broken, not you.

Send us word

Cindy said...

I am missing you terribly. Hope you are back up and all is good.

Anonymous said...

Oh No Cam!

I am thinking of you too

hokey said...

Hello lovely, sweet friend,

Hope you are ok, you are very very missed!

come back soon

Hollie x o x o

Betty Jo said...

Hoping Ms.Curly Pops is back in bloggy land soon.... xxx Liz

Anonymous said...

Sending hugs your way.

Nikki said...

I'm totally with the rest of the crew on ALL the above..

Hugs and wishes for good things for you.

Jenaveve said...

I think everyone is feeling a little the same here - we're missing our CurlyPops and hoping like hell you are alright.

meetmeatmikes said...

come back soon.
you're the best.
we miss you lots.
get lots of rest.
and when you feel
that you are ready
we'll all be here
cos you're rock steady.

poor lil heart.

Anastasia said...

hope all is okay....hugs!

Lexi:: PottyMouthMama said...

Thinking of you, just checking in to see if you're back. xxx

ThePeachTree said...

This make me this of christmas :)

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you.

meetmeatmikes said...

Hi curls.
Just checking in on you today.
To be sure that you are drinking tea and taking hot baths and resting lots.
Take your time with all this - don't rush back on our account - we'll all trawl your old posts and wait patiently.

teddybearswednesday said...

Hi Cam,
A little note to say I'm thinking of you and sending you my love. Look after yourself and take care.

angelique said...

Hope all is better or soon will be and you are on the mend. Cheers :)

Sandi said...

Hi Curlz,
Thinking of you, sending you big hugs and good wishes.

The Toy Society said...

Hey Cam, hope you're doing OK over there in Curly Pops land.

Look after yourself and see you when you're good and ready to come back to blogland.

We miss you!


Anonymous said...

Oh Cam, I'd missed this (and you). Please take care of yourself. Healing thoughts are being sent yoru way.