
Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Creative Space

It's all about action stations and market preparations today.
This pile of pouches needs flex frames to be added.

This pile still needs sewing.

At least the brooches are all packed and ready to go......

Oh, and I still need to finish printing and packing my new cards..... and then I'm off to the Northern Craft Bonanza tonight. It's been quite a while between drinks, so I'm really looking forward to it!

The home of My Creative Space.


  1. Pretty. I'm mostly attracted to your huge amount of diffent coloured threads though. It brings out the magpie in me!

  2. Such beautiful things! Have fun and sell lots :)

  3. You'll knock 'em for six at the markets.

    You're one professional outfit, sista.

  4. Wow you are on a roll..Love all that awesome fabric...

  5. Good to see you back in the crafty swing of things! Have a great time at the markets, I hope you sell out!

  6. Have fun at the craft bonanza .... you seem very organised!!

  7. All looks great Cam. Lots of lovely fabric there.

  8. What great fabrics!! Have fun at the markets - hope you sell lots!

  9. A real little production line for you today. Nothing like a bit of head down and bum up at the sewing machine sometimes. Have fun at the market.

  10. Looking gorgeous Cam, good luck for the market, not that I think you need it xo

  11. Loads of loverly stuff for the market!
    I think your cards will go very well too!x

  12. So glad to hear you are getting back to the things you love. Have fun at the markets!

  13. Good luck at the markets - doubt you'll need it. Your creations are drop dead gorgeous!

  14. A very productive and very neat creative space you have there! And I'm loving your fabric choices!

  15. Gorgeous little production station there. Loving the fabrics. There's something so satisfying about products packed and ready to go isn't there?

  16. I love your little production line! Everything looks so organized and I like the fabrics that you picked!

    Have a great market!

  17. These are awesome, love your fabric choices. Hope your market goes well. have fun.

  18. oooh what a fantastic bunch of stuff. Happy market x

  19. looks great! have fun at the Bonanza!!

  20. I hope it's a great market for you. I went back after a spell once and the experience was lovely. And your colour combos are terrific.

  21. oo, we have the same sewing machine! yours looks a whole lot less scribbled on with a sharpie by a nearly 2 year old though.... :p

  22. The pouches look great. I'm all about market prep today too :)

  23. Oh those pouches...remember my fat camera and the ill fated pouch? Memories..! Have fun tonight and hope the market goes super well xo

  24. it was so nice seeing you tonight and i hope to see you every better the next time. your card is so lovely and good luck with the market. have fun.
    My Creative Space

  25. You're a one woman production line! But, better than that, you're a one woman AMAZING HANDMADE PRODUCTS production line. You'll have the best time at the markets. I wouldn't be able to resist coming to see you with that stash of goodies all laid out. x

  26. cam your stock looks ace. i wish my workspace was as organuised as yours. good luck with the market. if i didn't have such a ridiculously busy weekend coming up i would love to get along to bunninyong for a look see

  27. Lots of lovely goodies. Good luck with the market.


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