
Friday, October 15, 2010

Animation Friday - Impromptu Photo Shoot 2

gif animator
Moo Moo and the Twins popped in for afternoon tea earlier in the week, so I thought it might be a good opportunity for an impromptu photo shoot.....

What one earth was I thinking?????

Animation Friday via My Poppet


  1. lol! Quality!
    What cheeky we faces

  2. I love the one where someone appears to be picking up a reluctant dog.

  3. reminds me of our family's attempt at a christmas photo of all the kids! cute!

  4. Wow, the twins have grown so much since last time I saw them.

    Love the photo shoot. It's fabulous.

  5. LOL they make up for great animations:)Was Frances worried they would pick her up too?:)
    Have a nice weekend x

  6. :)

    Also adding thanks for the drawstring tea towel tutorial. Great tip to sew down the string on the other side to stop it pulling out! I am going to make some over the next couple of days.

  7. Very sweet. I picked up my pouch from the postie yesterday and love it! It's gorgeous. Thank you again. xx

  8. Honestly, CP, you'd reckon you'd know what you were in for by now!


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