
Friday, October 15, 2010

Whoops! I almost forgot... draw a winner of this weeks Blogtoberfest giveaway!

I usually have a handy dandy screenshot of the random number generator, but my photoshop trial has expired so I can't do it.

Anyhow, there were a total of 35 entries overall, and the winner is:

NUMBER 15 - It's Cass from Snailblazer - yippee!


  1. Hi CurlyPops, if you don't have photoshop anymore, give photofiltre a try. It's not as good as photoshop obviously but it still has some good edit functions and effects to use and you can capture a screen shot and paste it into a photofiltre image. It used to be free but I've just done a search and the main site (of the creator) only has a current version up there for a 30 day trial. Google tells me there are free versions available, maybe you could have a looksie.

  2. Cute little word cloud. The other option to the expensive Photoshop is Photoshop Elements. Not a freebee, but has similar functionality for a fraction of the price.

  3. Hi Cam,
    I have a giveaway just posted, Don't know where you are listing them...if you are this year.


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