
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Behind the Scenes

It may not seem like it at the moment, but there's been plenty of crafty things happening behind the scenes at Curlypops HQ.

Like this super gorgeous camera bag commissioned by Carissa.

Pssssst: Check out that schmick twist lock closure!

Every time I make one of these bags, I'm sad to say goodbye.... and I keep telling myself that I really should make one for my own camera!

I'm completely in love with the fuschia colourway of this Lara Cameron print.   I decided to preserve and make a feature of the selvedge on the rear zip pocket (I hope you like that bit Carissa).

I'm thinking that we might need to start an Ink and Spindle petition to bring back fuschia!

Inside the bag, there are two removable velcroed padded inserts, and a couple of extra padded inserts so that the bag can also be used for other purposes. There's nothing like a bit of multitasking.

Now it's all safely packed up in a nice big box and ready to head off into the wild blue yonder. I hope you like it Carissa.


  1. If Carissa doesn't want it, send it to me!
    Its gorgeous!
    You are so multi talented!
    My super power should have been to syphon off some of your creative juice!

  2. Oh how exciting :D love that selvedge in the vpback, great idea!!!

    I'll be stalking the postman now.


  3. Gorgeous bag! Love that twist closure.

  4. The bag is fabulous Ms Pops! And very Curly Pop sorts of colours there too. Surely there will be a reprint at some stage of that colour? I'm sure Carissa is going to love it and get a lot of use out of it. :)

  5. This is grogeous - I love the use of the selvedge. Looks great.


  6. My god that is completely stunning!!!!

  7. Great design Cam! So much detail and thought has gone into this bag, wow! xo

  8. Awesome use of the birch print! Love the perfect zip on the back pocket.

  9. It is a gorgeous bag! And I love the birdie fabric. And you really should make one for yourself, Ms Pops. xo

  10. gosh your quality, styling and finish is superb, I'm in awe of your attention to detail....I must...i must do a bag class with nikki. My finishing sux. such great work CP. I hope your proud. I'd sure be proud ( :

  11. Love it love it love it. Would love a camera bag that doubles as a handbag. Will be putting my thinking cap on now!

  12. That is amazing...Definitely would use my camera bag if it looked like this...Great job!!!!

  13. Fantastic work, Cam!!! You really ought to treat yourself to a camera bag of your own!

  14. The denim and Fuschia sure looks good together.

    Lucky Carissa.

  15. Your bag is stunning Cam, The twist lock gives it a real pro look!Well done! There is me slowly getting to the dream idea of getting one of those camera hopefully soon!:) x

  16. Every time you make one of these bags I am chuffed that I started the ball rolling. I love my original (and prototype!) Curly Pops camera bag. It has changed my life and it is a very rare day when it doesn’t get used. Well done once again Cam, you are so clever!

  17. Love the bag - the colours are wonderful!! :)

  18. Uber ACE!!!
    Leaving the selvedge is inspired. Brilliant. Bravo!

  19. you really should make yourself one, they turn out wonderfully.
    and there is a lot of fuchsia fabric around here, but not a lot of blue, which is what i was looking for the other day :/

  20. excellent workmanship in your photos - well done!
    definitely make it your own nxt time round :)

  21. You are awesome Cam! Looking forward to Saturday!!!

  22. I love this bag. Truly I do!
    You have used the perfect bird print. And your sewing is smooth and straight. Mary Poppins would approve.

  23. Oh I especially love the selvedge feature. And the interior is so Curlypops. Beautiful sewing Cam.

  24. Gorgeous colours - I love it! Clarissa is lucky!!


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