
Wednesday, October 20, 2010


After Saturday's magnificent oppy find, I came home and felt the tinglings of op shop regret....

You know the feeling.... you picked something up, turned it over, felt the fabric, checked the price, pondered... and then hung it back on the rack...

I was sooooo happy when I returned on Monday to find them both still hanging there....  'twas meant to be.


  1. Nice finds! I particularly like the pink dress. Will we see some modelling?

  2. Love the top one. I can picture me wearing a sleeveless version of that :)

  3. Ohhhh, I like them both!! Yay for you!!!

  4. What lovely dresses i love it when that happens. I love the top one to. Happy wearing ;-) dee x

  5. YAY... I am so happy they were both there. Actually even one of them would have been ok. I do live the blue one but the first one is very very Cam indeed!!

    xo Steph

  6. They are cool!
    I love the blue one best!

  7. Oh, too cute! Love that they were still there. I have that feeling ... definitely want to see them on.

  8. They are great - really like the pink one.

  9. Great finds.
    I've lost my op shop mojo now that I'm older. I suddenly realised that I looked like a little old lady that lived up the lane that I knew in 1965. lol and she looked old and crooked not young and cool. You know the moment when you realise you have out lived the look.
    May your op shop mojo shine on forever. :)

  10. Love them both! AND I'm sooo glad you went back. xo

  11. I hate op shop regret. I still mourn for a pretty denim blue rayon dress that would have been perfect, but I didn't buy it and when I went back to next day, someone else had. These are pretty, especially the teal one.

  12. Great dresses! They'd look horrible on me, but are sure to look FAB on you!!! :D

  13. Ah yes, I know that feeling.
    I remember one in particular that stands out.
    Two embroidery hoops taped together, for one dollar. I am still confused why I put them back down. I went back the next day and they were gone. Ho hum.

    Both dresses are lovely! Glad they were still there :)

  14. I scored two oppy dresses yesterday, but I nabbed them quick smart!!!!
    No time to ponder round Brunny way.

  15. I love the blue dress... it was meant to be.


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