
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Blogtoberfest Day 13 - The Self Portrait

I didn't even need to photoshop my head off - this photo is completely unedited. Hooray for my headless photography skills.

Do you think that it might be an omen that we're having a Blogtoberfest Self Portrait day on the 13th? Hope no-one is too superstitious!

Anyhow, on with today's story.....

I had a little shopping and afternoon tea adventure on Monday, so yesterday I decided to glam it up a bit and wear my new dress, my lovely bright red tights, my dorothy shoes (along with one of my brooches of course).

I decided in the afternoon that I needed a photo of my new dress, so I took a few self portraits right before the sky darkened and the storm hit..... and then I read Tinniegirls post about today being self portrait day - fortuitous no????

I thought I might share some self portraits that I have actually included on the blog over the years. I can at least have a laugh then....


  1. Nice legs Cam!!
    And i love the dress - especially those sleeves!

  2. its great seeing all those photos together, love the beret :D

  3. love your montage - love the red dress and you flying off as super pops :)

  4. I think you're gorgeous - love the little girl photo! And now I really need a pair of red tights.

  5. Love the careful smile on the tiny superpops. No curls there though! Cherrie

  6. You are one funky lady! You look great, love that black dress too, Eleesa x

  7. as I keep telling you, you are just way tooo cool Ms Curlypops!
    enjoy the rain ♥

  8. Nice red pins!!!! Love the dress too!!!

  9. You're a spunk!
    And I too, love your legs.

  10. Love the shoes and the brooch in particular! If I wore that outfit the dress would look like a potato sack and my legs would look as though I had a nasty skin disease. But you look great in them :)

  11. Cute! I love your collage. You have so many different looks.

  12. Oh NICE!!! What a good idea this portrait thing today!
    I love the first 3 pics of the collage and the one where you smile...such a beautiful smile Madam xx

  13. Great tights on some great pins!

  14. That dress is gorgeous.

    Love seeing all those self-portraits. Too cute.

  15. great outfit ~ and I love your round-up of potraits

  16. Oh wow! That dress looks perfct on you! The sexy red legs are a nice touch too!

  17. such a great outfit! you do look super glam...

  18. Love your Dorothy shoes, I too had to photograph my. Dorothy shoes!

  19. great to see your gorgeous smile cam. and i spied your lovely fabric made into a snappy bag on made it. you are famous

  20. Love this shot. Funny, looking at your montage of shots and how your holding onto your hips like "see, I do have hips, I do, I do, I do!!!" hehe! curse of the skinny chick!

    You certainly have a lot of style too. Too cool for school!

  21. Such great pins, pleased to see you included head shots in your mosaic the red tights and matching brooch too...!!

  22. So much fun to see what you look like! Good look :-)

  23. what a fun overview of self-portraits! each one a great reflection of you =-)

  24. Oh i love the shot and the collage too :-) they are all lovely. I rate the red stockings too :-)

  25. These are lovely photo's Cam, I can't ever seem to have nice ones taken of me any more these days!!! You remind me a lot of my friend Trish!

  26. I adore your outfit ... the dress and the tights are wonderful!! :D

  27. supercute, superpops! lovely to see your lovely smiley face x


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