
Tuesday, October 12, 2010


There's so much a happenin' at the moment, that I can't remember whether I'm Martha or Arthur! So many blogtoberfestians, and I'm quite sure that I haven't even made it through half the list yet.

I've forgotten what I've shown and what I've told.... maybe I tweeted it but didn't blog it?

Anyhow..... I decided amongst all the little critters and characters that I've been working on, that maybe I'd try a floral design. This is the blue version (there's also a yellow version but my photos were terrible). I'd really envisioned this in pink, orange and red, but I couldn't get red, so it just didn't work.

My sister told me that this one doesn't actually look like me. It could have been designed by anyone. It might be pretty but it might also be something you could just find at Spotlight.... and I tend to agree.

So I guess it's back to the drawing board - quite literally!


  1. I know what you mean - been trawling through the bloggers and Phew it wears you out!! Nice though :-)

  2. I really like it its lush, and in yellow as well even better very 60's looking. Great as curtains or cushions or even a bag..getting carried away i am ;-))Dee

  3. While it doesn't scream Curly Pops, I do think you've hit the retro nail squarely on the head and as such, I think it's awesome.

  4. I think it's gorgeous ! I do need to ask you though , do you ever sleep ?

  5. Oooh! I thought it was vintage. I love it. I agree with Drewzel.

  6. Happy Blogtoberfest! I am on a mission to comment and follow all the blogs in Blogtoberfest! Maybe you could comment and follow me as well! Cheers!

  7. Oh wow thanks for the link ;) looks fantastic!

  8. Mmm, I like it. Whilst its not tradtitional CurlyPops pink, I kinda think Blue is nice for a change. Ive been away from blogland for a bit. Hope this finds you well.

  9. I think it looks lovely ... perhaps a new perspective will be gained tomorrow? :D

  10. I like it I think it looks very retro and you don't get that at Spotlight, any choccie tart left????? double cream maybe????????

  11. Hi I know what you mean about losing track of what you've blogged and not - I have lots of half written posts that I start when I have an idea so I can keep some control.

    Hope you're enjoying Blogtoberfest as much as I am

    Fiona x


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