
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fleamarket Finds

I dragged myself out of bed nice and early yesterday morning, picked up my nephew, and headed off to the op shops.

One of the local community centres is having a little craft market in November, so I'm going to help him to make a few things so that he can have a stall. We were in search of supplies..... but our mission wasn't very successful on that front!

I did however, manage to find this lovely vintage jigsaw set. I'm guessing that it's from the 60's or 70's?

The home of Fleamarket Finds....


  1. That's cool! We are going to a flea market in the morning! Hope we find good stuff!

  2. What a great find! I love jigsaw puzzles and these are so much fun!

  3. What awesome puzzles. So lovely. I have something similar but on a car theme... they're so nice I only let the children play with them if I am sitting near by... too worried they'll be eaten or drawn on.

  4. Probably 50's I'd say Cam. Fabulous find. And hehe at Vic.

  5. CAm- I had that when I was little, we also had a duck with a green background, but def those ones! thanks for the reminice!

  6. You have brought a tear to my eye!! (ok, I'm very sentimental) We had this puzzle as kids - although I can't remember whether it was at my Grandmother's house or ours....long time ago! I have to send a link to this post to my mother!! Thanks so much for sharing.. it's one of those things that I had long forgotten!!

  7. just found you via her library adventures...these vintage puzzles are lovely reminders of childhood!

  8. Amazing puzzles. Op shop envy over here!

  9. oh lordy, lord! Those jigsaws are the best! And no pieces missing, wow! I reckon this should go into the Flea Market Find of the year competition!!

  10. I'm so jealous! They are too cute. I'd have loved them when I was a kid.

  11. wow, those designs would look great on fabric!

  12. What fabulous jigsaw finds - I am inspired to go op shopping on my day off tomorrow!

  13. oh my goodness, this is adorable! love love love it. a find like this doesn't require anything else. nice work!

  14. EEK! You just hurtled me back about 200 years! OK, thirty five.

  15. Oh, they're lovely! I think I can almost smell them. Sorry, that's not meant to be weird...

  16. ahhh those are super cute ;-)) Dee x

  17. These are gorgeous! do you have any crafty plans for them? Pictures? Magnets? Brooches?

  18. Love the jigsaw puzzles you found - the artwork is wonderful! :)

  19. I used to play with those exact puzzles oh sooooo many years ago.Thanks for bringing back such lovely memories for me of a much simpler time in my life :) Barb.


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