
Saturday, October 16, 2010

In my garage

This may not seem very exciting just yet, but it's all part of my grand plan....

It's taken a little while to sort out, but I'm finally beginning my mini renovation project. I think you have to actually live in a house for a while before you can decide on any major changes that need to be made.

In this big package are the new overhead cupboards for my craft space. They're just flatpack kitchen cupboards (much more cost effective than custom cabinetry). A friend is coming over this week to help me to put them together.

At last I can see a little progress.....


  1. Have fun. I admire anyone that can assemble a flat pack. Ikea and I have a love/hate relationship. I love everything in their store, but hate putting it together. Can't wait to see the end product.

  2. Oh...I love a lady that's not scared of a bit of cabinetry construction! Go Pospy.

  3. What an incredible ide. and what fun you will have sorting everything into it once it is done.

  4. Progress is good. particularly craft organisation progress!

  5. Its so nice to sense your excitement!
    It's very inspiring when other artists make moves to really claim their space.
    Of course, no one likes flat pack, but its so satisfying when you start putting your stuff in!
    Smart moves on the units too! Why pay more than you need to when that spare cash could go on fabric!

  6. Ooh awesome! It's nice to have a friend helping, sensible idea. It will be so satisfying when it's all up and running!

  7. much excitement. i think this time of yes just makes us all desire an organised and tidy place. have fun and good luck (fingers crossed for instructions in english)

  8. Congrats on the purchase of the flat packs, the shelves will be a real boon in your craft space. Hopefully the instructions will be in English and make sense and you and your friend will have them together and up in a jiffy. If not I suppose we'll hear it on the blog :-)

  9. Can't wait to see them all done :-) So nice to get on with things and have a handy friend to help :-) We cleaned out our space today and sorted and reorganized - feels good!

  10. So true in regards to living in your house before you decide what changes you need to make...Good choice on flat-pack they are a great choice especially when you have someone to help you install them too....look forward to seeing the final effect!

  11. Great idea. Go vertical! Looking forward to seeing the results.

  12. wooh, very exciting, look forward to seeing the pic's of the end result...have fun!

  13. good luck with your building project, Im hoping to get a new kitchen next year... will destroy the kitchen ourselves to save money and do as much as possible.... might pay for a painter lol

  14. You will be super organised now. Can't wait to see them up.

  15. that will be so cool to have so much more storage Cam can't wait to see them up

  16. Ohhh Cam so exciting. Love the world of flat pack, saves a bomb, looking forward to the unveiling. Enjoy♥

  17. I actually quite enjoy flat pack assembly - which is just as well, 'cos my husband is a bit of a numpty when it comes to such practical matters....

    Just wanted to let you know that I followed your teatowel tote bag tutorial and I'm thrilled with the results :-) I made a little bag for myself and a bigger one which I'm giving away on my blog (I added the link to your list of giveaways) - thanks so much for sharing the instructions! xx

  18. Exciting times ahead in your renovated craft room. I bet you're bursting to get them up!

  19. Anything that involves renovations is very exciting in my book!

  20. Ohh very exciting! Looking forward to see the progress :)

  21. The potential of all that new storage! Have fun filling it all up :)


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