
Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Market and a Meme

First things first today - I'll be heading off to the Buninyong Makers Market very very soon... thank goodness I have a couple of drive-thru coffee options on the way. I usually stay in Clunes the night before, so that I don't have to get up quite so early, but today I'm heading there straight from Melbourne.

The market is in the most beautiful town hall, right in the centre of town, from 10AM - 2PM, so please come and visit, and say hello.

Second things....eeeerrrrr second!

Chunkychooky has a little meme to play along with which looked like fun:

4 things that I always carry:

  1. Phone (always always always)
  2. Purse
  3. Tissues
  4. Lip Balm

4 things that are in my bedroom:

  1. Bed
  2. Television
  3. Nana's arm chair
  4. Houdini's bed

4 things that I would like to do, but haven't done yet:

  1. Take a month long holiday to Europe
  2. Take a design course
  3. Get a tattoo
  4. Travel around Australia

4 things that you don't know about me:

  1. I used to be really good at sports (and still have a box full of trophies stuffed in a cupboard)
  2. I had a shetland pony named Chloe
  3. I have a new freelance writing job
  4. I love maths 

4 things I often wonder:

  1. The obvious - WHY?
  2. The next most obvious - WHEN?
  3. What would my life had been like if?
  4. If I'll ever ride a bike again?
Oh, and I completely forgot to draw a giveaway winner lastnight, so stay tuned later tonight instead!


    1. Congrats on the new job and enjoy your day. Hope all goes as you wish today. Cherrie

    2. Freelance writing sounds very exciting - wooohoo, nice one!

      Enjoy your market day x

    3. Yay, a fellow mathematician! :-) I'm not exactly a closet sportswoman though....

      Congrats on the job, and all the best with the market xx

    4. I'd love to visit you at the markets. But too far. Sad.

      Go to Europe and splurge your freelance writing earnings! Yippee. Congratulations!

    5. Ooh. Freelance writer... You're so glamourous!

    6. if you make it to europe, head over here and we can go up to loch ness for the day

    7. good luck at the market. love your list. get that tat- go on do it. i double dog dare you

    8. You're just one of the best optimists going around Cam. Three cheers for you & for the writing gig too.

    9. Congratulations on the writing job!
      What would that tattoo be of??
      (and hope the market went well today!)x

    10. Hi Camille!! It was soooo lovely to meet you at the market today. I've decided I HAVE to come back next time especially to get another one of those iphone pouches because I discovered it's the perfect size for my camera to fit in!!

      I've been thinking I must get something to protect my camera when it's in my bag, and it suddenly occured to me that your iphone pouch might be the perfect size.... and it was!!! So now I have to come back and get another pouch for my camera!

      Hope the whole day went really well for you.

      Linda. xox

    11. I say gt a tattoo seems the easiest and the cheapest on your "to do" list!

    12. wow that is rather exciting Cam!!All the best with everything to become reality soon in the things you have not done yet!x

    13. So nice to meet you and Cathy today, Cam. That was a great market - I chatted to all sorts of lovely people and took home all sorts of lovely stuff. I am wearing my new green owly badge now - love it.Hope you had a great day.

    14. With you on the bike day, when I'm not toting around a munchkin!


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