
Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Wrap

Tinniegirl on the left and CurlyPops on the right

It was another lovely day in the country at the Buninyong Makers Market yesterday. It's a really easy drive from Melbourne, so I was there in no time!

I always find it really difficult to take nice photos inside town halls.... so these are a little bit blurry. The rest of my photos were unusable.

Thes lovely photos above of my crafty goodies are courtesy of Marilyn and her new camera

Annie was directly across from us

Cathy, Sel and I spent the entire day chatting, drinking coffee, and eating cupcakes (which seems to be our modus operandi on market days).

We had lots of lovely visitors including Linda from Heartfire at Home, Jan from Little Red Hen, Marilyn from Missy Mao Mao, and Michelle from Minyip who had purchased one of my Tulip Pouches from The CurlyPops Shop a couple of weeks ago.

Mel even dropped in to say hello on her way to Ballarat.

The market finished at 2PM, so we popped into the little cafe next door to the town hall, and had some scumptious lunch.

Sel and I even managed to find a garage sale on the way home... but my goodies are still in the car, so I'll have to play show and tell at a later date!


  1. It sounds like a lovely day. Selling seems to be a secondary bonus after all the socialising.

  2. Sounds like you have a lovely market. We had a fete yesterday at our school and I am pretty sure the rides got more attention than the handicrafts unfortunately!

  3. your stall looks great Cam. I am lovin those flowers in the bottles!

  4. Your stall looks fabulous Cam! So glad you had a lovely day too ! xo

  5. your stall looks great - glad you had a good day!

  6. I love town hall markets. They always make me think of tea and scones and treasure. Loving the glitzy take on the flower brooch...

  7. It looks great. I love markets so much. The Tsunamis won't let me near one. They whinge and complain and drag their feet, so it's a long time between markets for me. x

  8. sounds like a perfect market day cam. i hope the unpacking was quicker, easier and above all lighter than the packing

  9. Everything looks wonderful!! Sounds like a wonderful day for all! :)

  10. great looking stall!
    sounds like a fantastic day :D will have to go for a drive next time to suss it out :D


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