
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Do the Bot Dance

I completely forgot to include a photo of Nico's Bot Dance Birthday Card in yesterdays post.

It's last weeks drawing in technicolour...

All the kiddies had a wonderful time at the party.

There was a Toy Story theme (hence the t-shirts)...

.....and a mighty big stick for the pinata

The littlies weren't having much success in splitting it open.

Hmmm... blankie - check, dummy - check,..... mighty big stick?

It took a while, but they finally managed to break it open and scatter the spoils everywhere.

I think Noah liked the chupa chups the best!


  1. what gave him away, not the handful of chuppa chups?! ;)

  2. hee hee!
    A chupa cherub!
    The bots are cool!
    Thank you for all your lovely comments btw!

  3. Fantastic card! Looks like fun time was had by all, we've had 3 years of the toy story theme, it makes the cake decorating easy at least, just pull out the same old stuff...

  4. The bots look great. We love toy story here too, the pics are great! Love the last one, like he is trying to hold on to as many chuppa chups as he can.

  5. Pinata's are the hardest things to open - even with giant sticks that are a danger to everyone within a 100m radius!!! We've had to have parents help by giving it a few hits - they are wonderful fun though :)


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