
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Escaping to the Country

I packed three of my nephews into the car yesterday, and took a little drive to the country to visit my mum.

Even though it was hot in Melbourne, there was a lovely cool breeze down in the south west of the state.

Gypsy the Shetland loved all of the extra attention.... the poor old ducks, not so much!

The boys were able to collect eggs from the chooks, ducks and turkeys.

The quails had just had little babies on Friday, so there were five tiny little yellow fluff balls (and one grey one) running around the bottom of the bird aviary.

The little boys collected turkey feathers with Nana to create these fantastic headbands. I just need to add some elastic to the backs of them, and then return them.

It was such a lovely day out. I really should do it more often!


  1. sounds like an amazing day out!

  2. fun! cute kids too.


  3. Looks like it was a fantastic time and a repeat hopefully.being so far away from home country and family, I think it makes me realise how these moments are so special...x

  4. The Chiefs look like they're having a ball, what a sweetie you are, but we already knew that ♥♥ Huge Hugs Darling xo.

  5. This looks like such a fun day! My kiddos love a trip to grandma's too :) XoL

  6. Love the south west, we get out there as often as possible (I have an ulterior motive - checking out real estate!)
    Looks like the boys had a great time.


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