
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Missed it....... by that much!

I was just sitting here reading Leonie's Bloggiversary post, when I all of a sudden realised that I'd totally missed my very own 3 year Bloggiversary last Saturday (15th January).

From my very first post, until today.... it's certainly been an experience!

There have been 1335 posts so far, and life is absolutely nothing like it was just three short years ago.

Anyway, I think that after sticking with it for so long, I should have a little celebration and a giveaway.

The rules are super simple:

  • Come back and tell me which is your favourite.
  • The random number generator will choose a winner, and the winner will receive the pouch that they've chosen.
  • Entries Close - Tuesday night (25th Jan) at 8PM AEDST

Good luck!


  1. ooh I love the tulips...Congrats and thanks for sharing.

  2. 3 years? Yes, an incredible amount has happened, some crap, some wonderful but best of all some fantastic friendships made :)

    It's hard to pick a favourite. It's between the 'when i grow up' in the blue and the original Clarke Kent's for me.

    Here's to many more years of sharing your creativity and your story my friend.

  3. Congrats on your bloggiversary! I like the Clark Kent Sunnies pouch (especially the teal one).

  4. Three Years! That's incredible and a testament to you, Cam, for being so indefatiguable and lovely.

    I hope you can give us at least another three years more!

    I always say 'you're a clever thing', and I mean it!

  5. 3 years... nice work. Don't make me choose I love them all!!!

  6. 3 years is quite a milestone! Well done.
    My favourite item in your shop is the Dame Edna specs case range, particularly the grey and pink!

  7. Well done, Congrats.

    My fav is Flex Frame iPhone / Gadget Pouch - Phone (original illustration) iPod - Grey

  8. That just made me realise it was my 2 year blogiversary yesterday!! How time flies when you're having fun hey?!

    oh, and don't count me in your giveaway, your gorgeous Christmas gift was enough for me!


  9. I've seen your amazing artistic creativity evolve only over the past 1.5 years and have loved it all... just ask Master Lucas who has been a very appreciative recipient on more than one occasion!
    Congrats on your 3 year bloggiversary and keep up the fab work!

    'when I grow up' - turquoise

    Fingers and toes crossed!

  10. love the Turquoise iphone pouch :)

    happy bloggiversary!!

  11. Congrats on 3 years! what a milestone...did you think you'd still be going strong after so long? Do you still love it as much? or more?

    And it has to be the pink and orange sunnies pouch!

    PS: those softies on your first post are cute as :-)

  12. Congratulations on 3 years, Cam!

    I'm a Dame Edna fan in all her orange and pink glory!!

  13. I did that last year which is why it was added to the "Birthdays" on my calendar LOL!
    Snap for the 3 years too :-)
    I love the little owl on the purple background, it would be wonderful to win it.

  14. Cam thankyou for being here for so long , I for one am very grateful ! Congratulations !

  15. Hi I think that they are all wonderfully creative however, the owl one jumps out at me he's so colourful. congratulations on your blogiversary

    Laurie Freeman

  16. Congrats on 3 years of blogging! I would have to say my fave is the grey and pink "dame edna" sunnies case! :)

  17. happy non-blogiversary cam ( i think thats what you call it when it slips by unnoticed) 1335 posts is a lot of happy, for you and for your followers.

  18. Happy blogiversary! I love the "when I grow up I want to be an iphone" holders - I'm still using a dodgy old one that...*gasp* can't even connect to the internet ;) The grey and blue is my favourite combo.

  19. Three years! Oh well done you! Time passes so superspeedy doesn't it? I don't even have to go and look I know that l*o*v*e* the edna specs cases bestest.

  20. Happy Anniversary! Any of the Dame Edna's would be lovely for me if I won xxx

  21. Happy Anniversary Baby, I got you on my mi-hind!' oh yeah! Congrats on three big wonderful bloggy years! Time flies huh? I love the tulip sunnies case but they're all ace and so are you x

  22. Happy Blogiversary, Cam! Many congratulations! My favourite is the gadget pouch in green and pink.

  23. Happy Blogiversary! I love reading your posts, and your blog was one of the very first i started reading back when I ventured into blogland. Congratulations on 3 years. I LOVE your specs cases, but the new "iPhone" ones are hilarious.. I would almost contemplate giving it to hubby who refuses to buy an iPhone but happy to use mine all the time.

  24. Big Cartel I thought I was going into gangster country.Congrats on 3 years, my choice is the turqouise glasses case.

  25. Happy bloggyversary!!!

    much as I would love an iphine case, I simply cannot go past the purple clark kent glasses case! I luurve clark kent :)

  26. belated Bloggy birthday wishes.
    That is an enormous number of posts for 3 years.
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful creations in Cyberspace.
    I really like them all, but Edna in her orange and purple glory is just perfect.

  27. Happy belated 3rd blogavesary (however it's spelt!)
    I really adore your...Flex Frame iPhone / Gadget Pouch - Dragster - Orange and would love to win one!

  28. Congrats! Three years? Wow.

    I love the Dame Edna in steely grey - sort of suits my corporate world, while at the same time being a little bit crazy.

  29. Congratulations on your milestone! I really like the turquoise gadget pouch! Thanks.

  30. Congratulations on your blog anniversary thats fantastic ;-)) Heres to many more lovely posts Dee x

  31. Congratulations on three years of blogging! Thanks for doing a giveaway...I love the grey glasses case with the pink glasses. I hope you have a great time blogging this year too.

  32. 3 years! Gee, thats flown by. I've been hanging around here for all but one month of those 3 years and loving every bit and every post. Congrats Cam!!! Here's to another 3 years of crazy happy blogging!

  33. Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary. It was hard to choose just one favourite but I think it would have to be the tulips sunnies/specs case.

  34. HI, I just found your blog today....Congrats on 3 favourite would be either the owl case or when I grow aquay blue...
    I love the cases, they are great....well done...


  35. OK, I'm in! Love the specs case with the Edna glasses on it - either the blue one with the green glasses or the grey with the pink. What an incredible journey over the last 3's a priviledge to share it with you.

  36. How fun Cam, I would choose either the tulips sunnies case or the dragster one. all gorgeous though x

  37. Happy blogversary Cam,3 years!wish you many happy more!
    I think my heart goes to the "when I grow up...." in turquoise, such a classic :)

  38. Many happy returns to the CP blog! I love your new custom specs cases and couldn't leave anything to chance. So you'll already know which one I liked! :)

  39. Wow - 3 years! Congrats :-) I love the iphone cases, esp the turquoise one. We make very basic models at school but nowhere near as flash as yours. My students also love your chef's hat tutorial and we make them in class regularly.

  40. happy blogaversary Ms Cam!!
    wow, 3 years and sooo many posts, well done.
    soo great to know you and call you my friend, you are just full of wonderful & so are your creations


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