
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

From the archives?

2010 seems such a long time ago now - especially after celebrating the new year twice.

I was cleaning up some of my photo folders, and realised that I'd actually never blogged the final photos from my mini-reno.

The furniture was moved in, the photos were put up, and I promptly headed off on holidays. This is such a lovely spot to sit on a sunny morning now - and nice and clean now that it's no longer outside!

Another thing that I never got around to blogging about was this gorgeous doily garland that Michelle from Midge and Judy sent me as a little get well suprise last year. It fits perfectly between the two windows in my living area, and is a lovely colourful distraction from the air conditioner.

Pop back in for a visit tomorrow, and I'll have some photos of my finished craft area reno.


  1. and a fabulous tinniegirl original artwork too?

  2. Oh how lovely, what a great use of the space & love a rainbow garland anywhere, i put one up in my studio too. Love Posie

  3. It's beautiful and of course all your woods blend perfectly too. Love the colours in the garland and how the lass in the middle picture has an 'o' ring for a head lol. Cherrie

  4. aw shucks cam. thanks for the shout out. i'm so glad to see it has a home. hope you are feeling chipper

  5. wow, it turned out to be a fantastic spot didn't it, looks great!


  6. It turned out really well ;-)) Love the doily bunting so pretty, Dee x

  7. All looking swish. That garland must make you smile every time you see it.

  8. The room conversion looks so nice. I can imagine sitting there at breakfast with my boiled eggs and cup of coffee and the newspaper!


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