
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

For the Late-Adopter

I'm one of those peeps that you might label a late-adopter when it comes to technology.

I have no desire to have the latest or the greatest of anything in particular. I bought my very first laptop only last year, I was late in joining Facebook, and even later in joining Twitter.

So it comes as no suprise, that I still use an old school mobile phone. It has all the bells and whistles that I need on a daily basis....... but it seems that everyone else on the planet has an iPhone!

My poor little phone was the perfect muse and inspiration for my latest iPhone/Gadget Pouch design.

These three colours are now available in The CurlyPops Shop.


  1. I love them.

    Your phone worked fantastically helping me out in Daylesford last month. Who needs all the bell and whistles.

  2. I'm a late adopter too - no i-phone for me either! The pouches are gorgeous.

  3. That is fabulous. I have an i-phone but only because it was a hand-me-down.

  4. There great and colourful. Technology goes over my head i don't have an Iphone i just like to have a normal mobile that i can make phone calls from and send texts which is what i have. ;-)) Dee x

  5. I have a little bit of i-phone envy as my 16 year old daughter has just got herself one with her Mc Donalds wages! My poor little phone would really love to grow up!

  6. Oh I love that saying. So cute!

  7. Yup. I'm with you.... iphone-free.

    BTW - SUPER CUTE pouches.

  8. I love my iphone but I don't have twitter anymore and only just gone back to facebook. :D

  9. Great work once again you are a marvel, the colour combinations and phrases, just great.

  10. These are absolutely gorgeous! I want one! :D

  11. absolute late adopter here. you are a trailblazer by comparison.

  12. I'm a late adopter too ... maybe going to get an i-Phone this year, but maybe not!! Love the pouch!

  13. I'd love an iphone, but better to save up for a new laptop when i need one or even an ipad (which are really really cool(

  14. I love this!! I just need a phone that can make phone calls... :)

  15. This is fantastic- very cute.
    I admit I have an iPhone. It's just so useful!

  16. my mr is the original late adopter, got his first mobile (my cast off) last year and still doesn't know what cut and paste means. i love them cam. i think they are ace, they would be good for ipods too methinks

  17. I love your phone pockets - I will be popping over to your shop to check it out..
    cheers Z

  18. Love the pouches!! Awesome print. No iphone for me either.


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