
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fussy Bugs

On Monday, I took my two eldest nephews on a Minibeast Safari which is part of the Summer By The Sea program run by the DSE.

We learned all about the different types of bugs and insects that live in our waterways, and how the fussy bugs determine the quality of the water. Basically, if you can find fussy bugs, then the water is nice and clean.

After learning about the types of bugs that we would find, everyone had a turn at catching some bugs with the net.

Then the boys had to separate the tadpoles from the bugs.... so that the bugs didn't end up being lunch!

With their tray of Minibeast Soup, they had to identify and separate the different bugs....

.... and then they were also able to build model bugs.

Sasha from Melbourne Water did a fabulous job in keeping all of the different aged kids entertained and interested the whole way through the session, and the boys had a great time.

The Summer By The Sea program has lots of free activities, and you can also keep up to date on Facebook.

** No Minibeasts were harmed during the safari (they all ended up back in their little pond)
**Good news - we found Fussy Bugs which means that the water was nice and clean
**Thanks to Beky for the tip off!


  1. Sounds like a marvellous day! I love seeing those little tadpoles - they always remind me of growing up in country Victoria; the gutter out the front of our place used to grow superb taddies! And our swimming pool was very popular with the local frogs. I just don't see frogs around much now - could be to do with living in Melbourne...

  2. You REALLY are in the running for Aunty of the Year! They looked like they enjoyed it! Ahh, tadpoles. I'll be checking back on that site for free stuff for the kid, for sure (she studies mini-beasts in prep, so thinks she's an expert on them teehee)

  3. Wow, you went to that session too. Yeah isn't Sasha great, fantastic with kids. And she has so much passion for insects. So glad the boys had a great time.

  4. How cool is that!! love the little froggy!!

  5. I've done that with our boys, they had a ball! While we were away we did some of the summer by the Sea activities in Lakes Entrance and Lake Tyers where we were staying. The boys loved them too :-)

  6. Oh wow that looks like such a fun day out!!!!

  7. That sounds and looks great fun, My son dylan would love to do that hes bug mad ;-)) Dee x

  8. Wow! I haven't seen tadpoles since I was a kid. We used to catch them in the Mullum Creek, which is now sadly buried under the Eastern Freeway.

  9. that sounds like a great program for kids :) very hands on and great for the mind :D

  10. what a great holiday activity. that is a fine fat tadpole.


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