
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mmmmm cake....

I had a lovely visit from Cathie and her two sweet little munchkins yesterday. They brought along a beautiful new sketchbook for me (perfect timing as my current one is almost finished), and these delicious cupcakes, and some very yummy banana bread.

Photo courtesy Melbourne Epicure

This is the second time that I've had this banana bread, and it's truly the most delicious one I have ever tasted. Cathie has shared the recipe on her blog.

Another sweet little munchkin has been hard at work making me pressies to take home. Nikki's wee girl is starting school very soon, which means that I won't see her as often..... I'm going to miss her, but she has invited me over to her house for a playdate!


  1. oh, too cute that pillow! And now you can't say you don't have a social life haha. Playdates are the best!

  2. They look like m.e cupcake perfection!! My 4 baked cupcakes today, better yet, they clean as they go (like their mummy) so now all consumed & no crumbs, just a KitchenAid bowl to wash (properly). Enjoy, the pillows are super sweet too, love Posie

  3. That pillow is just the cutest thing.
    ANd how lovely to get a visit from gorgeous Cathie, her yummy cupcakes and banana bread.
    What a day! xo

  4. you have some lovely wee friends cam. that b.bread and cupcake pic made me hungry

  5. I hop[e you realise that you'll be HELD to that playdate...?

  6. awww what a lovely sweet pillow and i also like the one in your first photo, lovely girly fabric.Mmmm nothing like a slice of cake to brighten up your day ;-)) Dee x

  7. Oh my goodness! Those cupcakes look fantastic. Check out the added flourish in the icing.

  8. Oh a playdate....yippee! Only special big people get invited to playdates Cam. You are the bomb.

  9. It's the small and delightful things that can bring the most pleasure isn't it!! Sounds like a lovely visit. And, that banana bread looks absolutely delicious... mmm mmmm. I love banana bread that's warm with lots of butter on it. Yum.

    Linda. xx

  10. That looks great! My partner loves banana bread so I will have to check out the recipe. :)

  11. What a list of great little treats Cam!I bet Cathie cakes are amazing xx


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