
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy New Year

Well, my little New Years Eve celebration ended up being even quieter than I'd originally planned.

There was no energy to bother with a party frock and a photo session, and it was a bit of a struggle to even find a pizza shop that was open - apparently all the pizza makers in my suburb are still on summer holidays.

I ended up having a lovely evening snuggled up on the couch with Elbow (it seems that Houdini dog gained a new name while he was being dogsat by my nephews this week). Oh, and I even received a phone call while I was in hospital from someone who found Houdini Dog after yet another great escape!

He spent the entire afternoon and evening sound asleep. He's not used to all of the action of living with all those little whippersnappers, plus an overly excited spoodle.

I managed to catch up on all of my favourite shows that were magically IQ'd while I was away - Bethenny's Getting Married, Flipping Out, Millionaire Matchmaker..... and the list goes on.

I'm taking instructions from my not so fabulously big list and just as Tinniegirl reminded me lastnight - I need to: Remember that ME time on the couch watching trashy tv is good for my soul

So inspired by that motto, today's plan is to chill on the couch in the peace and quiet - just me and Elbow. My own space, my own place, no distractions, no interruptions, no prodding, no poking, no-one annoying me, no-one talking loudly and incessantly, no-one telling me what to do, no complete strangers over-sharing their life stories with me and asking me personal questions that I'm not interested or comfortable in answering ..... it's just soooooooo good to be home.


  1. Happy New Year to you! Happy Chilling and bet it's good to not be in one of those draughty hospital gowns ...

  2. Happy new year to you too Cam!
    I'm so glad you're home. That pizza looks delicious!

  3. Hee hee, Elbow! He must be pooped! Nice to be welcomed home, isn't it? Enjoy (sounds like a good New Year's to me!)

  4. Glad you escaped from hospital! Happy New Year!!

  5. Sounds like a plan. I've learnt to just go lie down on my bed and read, sometimes not even that these days, without a guilty conscience. If I push myself too far (which isn't much at all) I'm going to have to go lie down for even longer. It took me years to accept that it isn' laziness to be wise and conserve energy so I don't constantly have breakdowns. Enjoy your quiet dog while he is ther!! Cherrie

  6. good that you're out of hospital...forget that 'busy' is a popular word, balance is better and listening to your heart is best!

  7. Yayyyy Happy New Year Cam, so thrilled you've escaped! I adore every one of those shows too. Take it gently and easy Gorgeous Girl ;)

  8. Happy New Year! No hospital visits this year OK? Enjoy your down time.

  9. Nothing is nicer than lazing about on your own couch in your own home. Enjoy it Cam.

  10. Lovely lazy day plan Cam!

    I had a few of those last week :) And also pretty much geared up for after 7pm every night this week! Which reminds me, the bed time dash is about to start!!!

    Better go organise my kids :p Enjoy your lazy day.

  11. Welcome home. There's nothing quite like it, is there? Enjoy.

  12. ooooh I just finished watching most of Bethenny's Getting Married. A fabulous way to escape methinks! And a very Happy New Year to you.

  13. I hope today was as relaxing and quiet as you wished dear Cam...

  14. Welcome home and Happy New Year! Here's to a fabulously happy and healthy one for you!

  15. Welcome back. I like quiet New Years Eve's. They are the best ones I think. Happy New Year to you.

  16. Glad you finally got your New Year at home safe and sound :-)


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