
Sunday, January 30, 2011


The next couple of weeks are crazy busy with events, appointments, work, and social invitations, so I'm trying to get a head start on the crafty front.

A sweet little girl is having a birthday very soon, so I had an idea in my head to make a crazy ruffle skirt.
I don't get the opportunity to make girly things very often, so I have to make the most of every girly opportunity that arises!

Amelie is not a fan of pink (which meant that fifty percent of my stash was banished), so I decided on green, red and yellow... although there is a hint of pink in the stripes on the binding.

Hope she likes it!


  1. Wow Cam that is so cute! How could she not like it? The colours are just fantastic.

  2. Crazy cute ! If the little girl doesn't want it I could wear it on my leg , love it !

  3. oh my Cam!!!!
    that looks AMAZING!
    how could she NOT love IT, you are pretty fabulous at girl stuff too.
    LOVE it, it's soo you & there's no pink ;)

    p.s you are awesome

  4. Looks great Cam! I'm sure she will love it - who wouldn't!

  5. All I can say is....LUCKY DUCK Amelie!

  6. Cam, absolutely gorgeous!! florals and dots are a great mix!

  7. It's gorgeous, a very lucky girl who I am sure will love it.

  8. Wow, it is absolutely divine. You are the ruffle queen!

  9. i LOVE it!

    and your new banner is gorgeous!


  10. all of the above. clare stole my comment (if she doesn't like it....) and i do love the new banner. i was planning a blog makeover while we are on holidays but all inspiration has left me. that skirt really is crazy cute

  11. Oh - I love the mix of polka dots
    and flowers! Beautiful!x

  12. That is SO awesome. Lovely dovely indeedy. Absolutely uber ace :)

  13. Any little girl would swoon at that! Spectacular colours!

  14. How could she not love it! It's just gorgeous!

  15. Beautiful! Oh to have a girl...

  16. Wow! so happy and frilly! I love it :)

  17. OMG Cam this is stunning I so wish I could wear something like that I LOVE it lucky birthday girl. and the dress from the oppie how cool is that, great score xx

  18. What's not to's delightful! Was that an alternative use...just in case she wouln't wear it?

  19. for a second I thought it was the coolest lampshade ever, now it's the coolest skirt ever! My Ada would happily wear this baby :)

  20. so gorgeous! I'm sure the birthday girl will love it!

  21. That is so cute, beautiful fabric patterns and colours, it reminds me of the ra ra skirt i used to wear in the 80's when i was little, mine was blue and white polka dot and flowers, i loved that skirt ;-)) I love your new heading picture to. dee x

  22. Love the skirt - it is soooooooo amazingly gorgeous. I also think your new header is lovely. Love the images.

  23. georgeous skirt, wish my girls were little enought to wear this still! you are such a talented lady!

  24. Super cute skirt! The birthday girl will love it!
    I've started a new blog where I turn my unwanted clothes into outfits for my girls... might have to make them a skirt like this... they'd love one.

  25. Oh loving Amelie skirt and your new banner!I am sure she will just keep turning once she puts it on!A girl thing :)x

  26. very pretty :D i would love to find something like that to wear around here

  27. Oh LOVELY!! I want one for me! ;-)

  28. Beautiful! Love pretty girly things for little girls. I'm sure Amelie will love it.

  29. I dreamt of having skirts like this when i was little. Actually, still do. I love it.

  30. Its gorgeous. You choose beautiful fabric.

  31. back to add that amelie LOVES it Cam!!!
    thank you soooo very much ♥

  32. this is just gorgeous - would love one for my daughter! you should sell them!


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